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Woman fills man’s phone with child porn in plan to get custody of children, police say

    An Oklahoma man was arrested after hundreds of child pornography images were found on a phone that belonged to him, but it was all part of his wife’s plan, investigators say.

    The woman, 33-year-old Lacey Hucks, and her boyfriend Angel Moore, 44, are accused of working together to frame the man, according to arrest affidavits.

    Investigators believe Hucks’ plan was aimed at getting custody of their children.

    “It had to do with getting her kids back,” Garvin County Sheriff Jim Mullett told McClatchy News. “If they could get him out of the picture, she thought she’d get her kids back.”

    On April 18, Hucks drove her accomplice, Moore, to the Wynnewood Police Department, handed her the incriminating phone and asked her to press charges, according to an affidavit filed May 2.

    Moore turned the device over and told police she saw Hucks’ husband using it to watch child porn at his home in Garvin County.

    The phone has been handed over to the Garvin County agents. On it, they found hundreds of images of “various youthful female victims,” ​​documents say.

    Hucks’ husband was arrested. But investigators became suspicious when the phone he carried — his current phone — didn’t have the same contents as Moore’s.

    Investigators were ordered to search Hucks’ phone and discovered that she and Moore knew each other and appeared to be friends. Phone records showed that they communicated about filing a report before April 18, an affidavit said.

    Moore had previously said she didn’t know Hucks. But in an interview, she told a sheriff’s deputy that Hucks had encouraged — even coached — her to deliver the false report against her husband.

    “(Moore) admitted she was never at (husband’s) home and never observed him on the phone,” the affidavit said, but Hucks had described the home to her. “(Moore) stated she thought she was doing the right thing for (Hucks).”

    After further investigation, the agents found that the images on the phone months earlier, in December, had all been downloaded within a few days, documents said, and they all appeared to be screenshots from the same website.

    The man told police he hadn’t seen the supposedly incriminating phone since October or November, but “didn’t think too much about it because it wasn’t his primary phone and had no service.”

    Moore was arrested on charges of conspiracy and knowingly reporting a false crime, documents read. Hucks was arrested on the same charges, plus an additional charge of aggravated possession of child pornography.

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