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Wisconsin Democratic legislator stirs anger for calling women ‘birth bodies’ in defense of abortion

    A Democratic lawmaker in Wisconsin has taken to Twitter after calling women as “birth bodies” while championing abortion.

    Representative Francesca Hong, who serves the 76th Assembly District, was among many to comment on the recent leak of a Supreme Court draft expected to quash the 1973 Roe v. Wade case, making abortion illegal immediately. in at least 13 states
    “Birth bodies have a right to freedom,” Hong wrote in a statement tweet† “Deciding whether and when to age is one of the most personal, life-changing decisions. Access to abortion and reproductive care is a decision that we must trust each person based on what is best for their health and their future.”

    “It is a decision that should not be subject to the political whims of politicians – it is none of our business,” she continued.

    The top comments showed that many commentators took offense at Hong’s views and “gender-neutral” wording. One of them pointed out that if she cannot use the term ‘woman’, she is ‘not in a position to defend women’s rights’.

    Other pro-choice supporters made similar comments, calling Hong’s choice of words “dehumanizing.”

    Hong has so far not released a statement in response to critics, but she reiterated her pro-abortion stance in a more recent tweet praising a rally in Madison.

    The SCOTUS leak, first published by Politics, continues to provoke strong reactions across the country. While progressives like Hong have expressed fears about the fallout from an upheaval, many conservatives have praised the move.

    “Justice Alito has done a feat in the history of abortion law, making it abundantly clear how absurd the idea is that abortion is a fundamental right, in any sense rooted in U.S. history and the Constitution,” said Carrie Severino, president of the United States. conservative Judicial Crisis Network, says CNN† “It is so encouraging to know that we finally have a majority of Supreme Court justices who recognize the legitimate way to interpret the Constitution.”

    sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) tweeted“If this is the Court’s opinion, it will be one of the greatest opinions in the history of the Supreme Court. It will save millions of lives.”

    Featured image via Voice of America

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