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Why Elon Musk moved to America – CBNewz

    Why Elon Musk moved to America – Dark Note Talk

    Elon Musk has been a US citizen since July 2002, when he moved from his home country of Canada. When asked why, Elon replied that America has the best universities and culture in the world. A more important factor was avoiding Canadian taxes on his pay as an engineer for PayPal

    Elon Musk is an American entrepreneur, engineer and investor. He was involved in the founding of PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX and SolarCity. His net worth is estimated at $20.6 billion. Read more in detail here: how old is elon musk.

    Why Elon Musk moved to America?

    Elon Musk traveled to America for three reasons: 1. to escape conscription in the South African military, which aided the apartheid regime, and 2. to keep up with the latest technological advances in the United States. He wanted to be part of it, and 3. In America, the chances of success were greater than in South Africa.

    All innovation takes place in the United States.

    Elon Musk was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. He had always been an excellent student and a voracious reader from an early age. He was going through an existential crisis and was searching for meaning in life during his teenage years.

    Elon devoured almost every book he could get his hands on. He knew at the time that America was the center of innovation. As a result, he wanted to come to America to achieve something, as his options in South Africa were limited.

    “It always seemed like whenever there was exciting technology or things happening, it was sort of in the United States,” noted Elon Musk in a 2012 Kevin Rose interview. So basically my ambition as a youngster was to go to America.”

    Elon has been a pioneer since he was a toddler. His family is not impoverished, contrary to a common misconception. Elon’s father is a well-known engineer and the family was wealthy. Elon’s father owned a private jet and traveled with him to various locations as a child.

    Elon was one of the first in South Africa to use computers. He created and sold a computer game for $500 when he was 12 years old. As a result, Elon has had the ambition to invent something since childhood. And there is no nation that values ​​innovation and inventors more than America. It is the main reason why Elon Musk moved to the United States.

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    Apartheid was not something he wanted to be a part of.

    America has one of the world’s most enduring constitutions, having lasted over 200 years. Every American has the right to free speech under the First Amendment. Except for a few countries, no other country grants its people this fundamental right. While the South African constitution currently guarantees freedom of expression, it was not there when Elon was growing up.

    Apartheid was a legal system in South Africa. A person must enlist in the military every 18 years. At the time, the government used this army to suppress the black people. The military was essentially a racist force armed to marginalize black people. Elon Musk refused to participate in the conscription process.

    As a result, Elon Musk has been trying to get out of South Africa since he was 16. His parents were divorced at the time and he lived with his father. Elon tried to persuade his father to move to the United States. His father agreed at first, but then changed his mind. Then Elon went to his mother.

    Elon Musk’s mother, Maye Musk, was naturalized as a Canadian citizen through his mother. Elon persuaded her mother to move from South Africa to Canada, and she accepted.

    Elon obtained his Canadian citizenship through his mother, who was a Canadian citizen. As a result, he emigrated to Canada at the age of 17 to escape his conscription in the South African army.

    a large pool of talent

    Elon Musk has heard about Silicon Valley since childhood, although he didn’t know where it was in America.

    Silicon Valley is home to almost all the technology companies in the world. Silicon Valley offers a better chance of survival and success for a new technology company than any other location.

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    Elon has been striving for innovation since childhood. As a result, he knew he would get all the engineers there to start a company that would change the world. Plus, America is the destination for all of the world’s top talent. In America, the chances of success are greater than in China, India, South Africa or Europe. That’s why most of the world’s major technology companies are based in the United States. That’s why Elon Musk moved to the United States.

    Enterprising investor

    No other country except America has an Entrepreneurial Investor culture. These early investors invest in companies that don’t even have a product. They hear ideas and invest in companies. These investors are risk takers.

    These investors invest billions of dollars in various companies every year. Some companies become successful, others do not. That is why those investors are called Entrepreneurial Investors.

    To create a successful big business requires a lot of money. Only in America are these types of investments and capital available. India, China, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, France, Germany, England or any other country do not have this kind of entrepreneurial culture.

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    As a result, anyone serious about developing world-changing technologies and goods must come to America to succeed. Elon Musk has known it since his teens. It was for this reason that he wanted to see America.

    He was looking for a way to America even after going to Canada. As a result, he was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania and moved to the United States. He went to Stanford after completing his undergraduate degree.

    However, he did not complete his education. As soon as he got the chance to start Zip2, he put his Ph.D. on hold.

    That’s why Elon Musk moved to America because he knew about the Entrepreneurial Investor culture where investors invest in cutting edge technology, which was not present in South Africa or any other country.

    It’s easy to do business.

    America is one of the best places to start and grow a business. There is no corruption, extortion or the usual government white-collar crime that hinders and bans private enterprise as in other countries.

    The United States of America is one of the most business-friendly countries in the world. The American people are wealthy and highly value high-quality goods. If a product is of high quality, it will sell on its own.

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    America developed the radio, television, cell phone, internet, GPS, cars, Google, Facebook and practically all modern technology. However, without adequate intellectual property rights and protection, an innovation is nothing.

    America has one of the world’s strongest intellectual property rights, protecting creators. As a result, the original innovators can sell and profit from their creations.

    In some countries there is practically no protection for innovators, or the rules are too confusing and complicated. For example, China does not respect intellectual property and intentionally takes IP from other countries.

    Elon Musk was well aware that the United States has a culture of invention and strong laws that protect entrepreneurs. In addition, Americans have the financial means to fund these advances. It was for this reason that he moved to the United States.

    Why Elon Musk moved to America

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    Elon Musk moved to America in 2000. He has lived there ever since. Reference: Elon Musk 2000s.

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