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What Are the Best Cracker Brands? Everything you need to know in 2022

    When searching for the perfect cracker, you may be wondering which cracker brands are the best. There are many brands of crackers on the market as this is a very common snack that many people buy.

    Because of this, the market has been flooded with different brands of crackers, all claiming to be the best option. But which cracker brand is really the best and why is it the best?

    If you’re a cracker lover, this might be the kind of question you ask yourself when you’re grocery shopping. With so many brands on your face, it can be difficult to know which is the best option.

    But not every brand will offer the same quality or taste that you are looking for. So you should look at each individual brand to see which offers the type of crackers that you will prefer the most.

    Read on to find out which cracker brand is the best and what other cracker brands offer delicious must-try options.

    What is the best brand of crackers?

    When trying to decide which brand of crackers is the best, you have to look at many brands. Most customers agree that Wheat Thins are the best brand of crackers you can find on the market as most people actually enjoy them.

    Wheat thins are a very classic option that’s delicious to eat as a snack or with things on top. You can eat them with cheese, cream cheese, dips, and pretty much anything else that goes with a cracker.

    But they’re also delicious on their own because there are so many different flavors to choose from. Wheat Thins has a long line of cracker options in a variety of unique and classic flavors depending on what you want.

    Even the traditional plain crackers are deliciously eaten on their own as the basic recipe for wheat thins is very flavorful. They’re usually made from wheat flour, as you’d expect, and have a slightly sweet taste.

    Overall, this brand is generally considered a crowd pleaser as most people would like this type of cracker. They’re also very versatile, so you can eat them all sorts of ways, and they’re the perfect accompaniment to any type of cheeseboard.

    Cheez It

    Cheez-It is a cracker brand that follows closely behind Wheat Thins and how popular that brand is. Despite being almost equally popular, Cheez-It differs greatly in the type of crocker it offers its customers.

    As the name suggests, this cracker company makes cheese crackers that are perfectly rich and flavorful. Cheese will always be a crowd pleaser, which is why Cheez-Its tend to be people’s number one cracker option.

    Square and bright orange, these crackers are instantly recognizable at the grocery store. They’re marketed as a delicious snack since most people don’t add anything to the special crackers.

    They’re considered more of a snack than the traditional crackers you’d eat with cheese or other dipping options.

    Ritz Crackers

    Ritz Crackers is a very traditional brand that has been around for a long time. It’s one of the best cracker options as it provides the perfect base for a variety of toppings or dips that you might want to pair with your crackers.

    Ritz is a very popular brand that most people buy on a regular basis, making it one of the most popular options. It also doesn’t hurt that Ritz offers plain crackers perfect for eating with other things, as well as flavored crackers.

    In recent years, rat garlic butter crackers have become incredibly popular with customers. Although the classic crackers are still the most popular, they go perfectly with dips and cheese.

    Ritz crackers are also unique in that they have a very light and buttery texture. This is very different from a typical cracker, which is usually quite hard and crunchy.


    Zesta is the original brand of salty crackers that many of us know and love. These were the original crackers and are still a popular option in this day and age because of the many other crackers available.

    Zesta Saltine Crackers are your basic saltine recipe with one simple cracker sprinkled with coarse salt. This is a very basic tasting cracker, but many still enjoy eating it on its own for a crunchy and salty snack.

    This is also the best option for people who like to eat cheese and crackers or dip and crackers and soup. Overall, zesta crackers continue to enjoy popularity due to how versatile and delicious they are.

    They instantly invoke a sense of nostalgia and take you back to your childhood days when you used to get salty crackers in your school lunch.


    Goldfish are very similar to cheese and crackers in that they are also cheese-based crackers. This is a popular brand of crackers that many people buy frequently for themselves and their children.

    As the name suggests, goldfish crackers are shaped like small goldfish as they are also orange in color. Despite being a cheese cracker, goldfish tastes very different from Cheez-Its, making for an entirely different type of cracker.

    In recent years, Goldfish has also developed other options for its line. It now offers different cracker flavors as well as sweet options like Chocolate Goldfish Crackers.

    Although there’s no denying that the original goldfish crackers are still the number one seller.

    Club Crackers

    Club crackers are quite similar to Ritz crackers in that they are simple crackers intended to be eaten with other foods. Although most customers would admit they sit down with a box of Club Crackers to enjoy all to themselves.

    Club crackers have a delicious taste, although no flavors have been added to them. They’re the perfect pairing with a plate of cheese, cream cheese, or some charcuterie you happen to have on hand.

    These crackers are often described as having a smoother flavor than Ritz crackers. Because of this, they’re often paired with fancy cheeseboards more often than Ritz crackers.


    Triscuit is a very popular cracker brand that has created a completely unique type of cracker. This is a wheat cracker made up of tiny layers to create an extremely crunchy and flaky cracker option.

    They come in a variety of flavors to choose from, and Triscuit has also started offering healthier options. This is already considered a relatively healthy cracker, but low-sodium options are now also available.

    This is the perfect cracker to combine with other foods or simply eat on its own if you just want a crunchy snack. It is also one of the top sellers in grocery stores, which is why you can find it very easily.

    honey girl

    Honey Maid crackers are considered crackers even though they are cute crackers. This is a nostalgic brand that offers cookie-like crackers and either a vanilla or chocolate flavor sprinkled with coarse sugar.

    Most people grew up with these crackers and to this day still buy them out of nostalgia. They have a simple yet delicious flavor and are perfect for dipping in a tall cup of cold milk.

    While Honey Maid isn’t your typical cracker brand, it’s still worth checking out if you’ve never tried any of their sweet crackers.

    chicken in a basket

    Chicken in a Basket is a popular brand of crackers that has been around for quite a while as well. It only has a cracker flavor, but this cracker has been a top seller ever since it was officially released.

    This is a simple cracker coated in a spice blend that’s elusive. These crackers are deliciously salty and flavorful, yet there’s no specific flavor they taste like.

    They are most commonly eaten on their own, although they cannot be paired with meat and cheese if you wish.

    Which Cracker Brands Should You Try?

    If you’re looking for the best brand of crackers, it can’t be difficult to choose just one. Although most customers seem to be more inclined towards Wheat Thins as this is a very popular cracker option.

    This is a delicious cracker brand that offers a variety of cracker flavors that can be eaten with other things or on their own. Although there are many other brands that you should try as well if you like crackers.

    These include options like Goldfish Crackers, Triscuit Crackers, Ritz Crackers, and Cheez-Its. These are all delicious options that are very popular and continue to sell very well to this day.

    If you like crackers as a snack, these are all great brands to try to see which one you prefer over the other.