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Trump lashed out at Bill Barr after former attorney general said DOJ was justified in raiding Mar-a-Lago

    US President Donald Trump (R) and US Attorney General William Barr disembark from Air Force One upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on September 1, 2020

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr says then-President Donald Trump didn’t have a “good idea” about the roles of the DOJ and the president.Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

    • Bill Barr said the Justice Department likely had “pretty good evidence” for the Mar-a-Lago raid.

    • He also said Trump’s request for a special master was a “bastard.”

    • Trump called Barr, his former ally, a “weak and pathetic RINO” on Friday.

    Former President Donald Trump lashed out at his former ally Bill Barr on Friday after the former attorney general defended the Justice Department’s raid on Mar-a-Lago.

    “Bill Barr had ‘no guts’ and got ‘no glory’. He was a weak and pathetic RINO, who was so afraid of being impeached that he became a prisoner of the radical left Democrats,” Trump wrote in a message. his social media site Truth Social, referring to Barr as a “Republican in Name Only and Only.”

    “Barr never fought like he should have for election integrity and beyond. He started OK as AG, but faded quickly – lacked courage or stamina. People like that will never make America great again!” Trump continued.

    In a second post, he also criticized Barr’s handling of the Russia probe and the “Laptop from Hell,” presumably a reference to Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    Barr was largely considered a staunch ally to Trump while serving as his attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020. Their relationship changed when Barr came forward to say the Justice Department had found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have affected the election results. directly defy Trump’s insistence that the election was stolen from him. He left the administration a month before the end of Trump’s term.

    In an interview with Fox News on Friday, Barr dismissed arguments that the Justice Department’s decision to raid Mar-a-Lago was an oversight.

    “Personally, I think to get things to the current point, they probably have pretty good evidence, but that’s speculation,” Barr said.

    He also dismissed Trump’s defense that he had released all documents kept at his club and Florida residence.

    “I’m honestly skeptical of this claim that ‘I released everything’ because I honestly think it’s highly unlikely,” Barr said. And secondly, if he were to actually stand over dozens of boxes, not really knowing what was in them, and then say, ‘I hereby release everything’ — that would be such abuse and such recklessness that it almost worse than taking the documents.”

    In another interview with The New York Times, Barr called Trump’s request to have a special master or court-appointed outsider to review the documents an “asshole.”

    During the Mar-a-Lago raid on August 8, according to court records, the FBI seized highly classified documents. The Department of Justice is investigating possible violations of laws regarding the handling of government documents.

    Read the original article on Business Insider