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Trump-Backed Vernon Jones Says Civil Rights Don’t Apply To Gays Because ‘They Can Really Change’ To Be Straight

    Vernon Jones speaks to a crowd

    Vernon Jones addresses a crowd at a meeting with former US President Donald Trump on September 25, 2021 in Perry, Georgia.Sean Rayford/Getty Images

    • Vernon Jones, the self-proclaimed “Black Donald Trump,” made the comments on Steve Bannon’s podcast.

    • He claimed that gay civil rights are not the same because “they can really change.”

    • Jones, who is running for Georgia’s 10th district, is backed by former President Donald Trump.

    Georgian Republican congressional candidate Vernon Jones said on Thursday that civil rights for black people don’t apply to gay people because “they can really change” to become straight, HuffPost reported.

    “Let me tell you, civil rights for blacks and gay rights for gays are two different things,” Jones said during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast.

    “I don’t know what you are unless you tell me what you are when you’re gay, but when I walk into that room, you can tell I’m black,” Jones said. “I’m black from cradle to grave. Let’s not confuse that, but they can really change.”

    Jones also claimed that people “can go from being heterosexual to being gay to being transgender and all these other genders.” He added: “But if you’re black, I don’t have a choice. When did gays come here on ships?”

    Jones doubled down on this argument on Twitter, saying comparing being black to being gay is a “damned lie”.

    The Democrat turned Republican is running for Georiga’s 10th congressional district.

    Jones, the self-proclaimed “Black Donald Trump,” pledged his support for the former president while serving as a Democrat in the House of Representatives.

    Election records, however, show that Jones cast a Democratic Party ballot for the presidential election on Election Day, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    Former President Donald Trump endorsed Jones in February, praising him as “an American first fighter”.

    Read the original article on Business Insider