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Trump announces plan to build ‘impenetrable dome’ to protect us from nuclear threats

    Former President Donald Trump recently announced that he would build an “impenetrable dome” over the US if reelected – to “protect our people” from the perceived threat of nuclear strikes and World War III.

    “World War III would be a catastrophe like no other,” he said in the video posted Friday on his Truth Social platform. “This would make the First and Second World Wars very small battles. The best way to ensure that such a conflict never happens is to be prepared with unparalleled technology and unparalleled strength.”

    “When I am commander in chief… I will work with Congress and our great military leaders – not the ones you see on television, I don’t consider them leaders,” he continued. We’re going to work with them to build a state-of-the-art next-generation missile defense shield.”

    Trump went on to claim that “the world has become much more dangerous” under President Joe Biden and that any discussion of the “deadly threat” of nuclear war, as a supposed result of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, has been tabled by the current administration .

    “The word ‘nuclear’ is mentioned all the time,” Trump said. This is a word you shouldn’t use. It was never used during the Trump administration, but now other countries are using that word against us because they have no respect for our leadership.”

    Trump added that nuclear and hypersonic missiles could “destroy entire cities and even countries” if Russian President Vladimir Putin chose to step up aggression against Ukraine and its NATO allies — and that building an iron dome-like system is now essential is.

    “America must have an impenetrable dome to protect our people,” he said. “We worked with Israel to develop that dome… We have technology that is unsurpassed, but our former leaders didn’t really want to use it… We need to take that next step now.”

    After praising his efforts to “completely” rebuild the US military, the twice-deposed former president – whose campaign promise to strengthen the US-Mexico border ended in a costly failure – said the Space Force would play a “vital role” to have.

    “Just as I rebuilt our military, especially our nuclear capabilities, I will build the shield to defend America from missile attacks,” Trump said before adding. “We will have peace through strength.”

    Trump announced his candidacy in November and will visit two early voting states on Saturday.

    Trump announced his candidacy in November and will visit two early voting states on Saturday.

    Trump announced his candidacy in November and will visit two early voting states on Saturday.

    Since announcing his bid in November, Trump is expected to kick off his 2024 White House nomination Saturday with the first campaign stops. He is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at events in New Hampshire and South Carolina, two early voting states.

    Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Putin’s Security Council, recently wrote on Telegram that “the defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war can trigger a nuclear war,” according to Reuters. Putin himself repeated that idea in December.

    “As for the idea that Russia would not be the first to use such weapons under any circumstances, it means that we could not be second to use them either – because the ability to do so in the event of an attack on our territory would be very limited,” Putin told CNN.

    The US is nevertheless determined to support Ukraine in the conflict, which has lasted nearly a year.

    “Putin has no intention — no intention of stopping this vicious war,” Biden said in December. “And the United States is determined to ensure that the brave Ukrainian people can continue – can continue to defend their country against Russian aggression for as long as it takes.”
