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Tropicana vs Simply Orange – Which is Better in 2022?

    If you like drinking orange juice, you might compare Tropicana to Simply Orange. These are two very popular brands of orange juice that are similar, which is why customers often compare them.

    There is a wide variety of orange juice options on the market for customers to choose from. But many are very different, and many orange juice options are not natural.

    There are several types of orange juice that are artificial and don’t have the original orange juice flavor that you are looking for. While Tropicana and Simply Orange are considered very natural orange juice options sold in stores.

    Because of this, it can be difficult to tell the differences between these two brands to find the best one. Read on to find out if Tropicana or just plain orange is a better choice when it comes to natural orange juice.

    Which is better: Tropicana or just orange?

    When trying to find the best orange juice, you might compare Tropicana to Simply Orange. These are two natural orange juice options that are very similar and it’s difficult to pick one part to decide which is the winner.

    Tropicana vs. Simply Orange

    Both brands of orange juice produce 100% natural orange juice that is commercially available. They are both very popular and considered some of the best pure orange juice options on the market.

    They are also very similar and how they are made, the ingredients and how they taste. It is difficult to decide which is the clear winner as there is no real way to make that decision.

    It really comes down to personal taste, because orange juice is orange juice. Since both options are natural, there are only so many differences you can find in these two options.

    Although there are some customers who believe that the Tropicana is the better option as it has a more balanced taste. With the perfect balance of sweet and tart for a refreshing and enjoyable glass of orange juice.

    Although both options are very flavorful and have a good mix of sweet and tart, as every orange juice should have. So it mainly comes down to personal taste and what you and your orange juice prefer.

    Is Tropicana better than just orange?

    Now that you know some facts about Tropicana and Simply Orange, you might be wondering which one is healthier. This is another question customers ask when looking for a healthier orange juice option.

    Although orange juice is considered quite healthy on its own, any type of fruit juice will be quite high in sugar. Especially if it’s not natural and sugar or high fructose corn syrup has been added to the recipe.

    Because of this, not all orange juice you buy at the store is healthy. Tropicana and Simply Orange are healthier options as they are made from 100% orange juice.

    Both Tropicana and Simply Orange are very similar nutritionally, and one isn’t very healthy versus the other. Tropicana contains more vitamins, such as:

    • vitamin C
    • niacin
    • folate
    • thiamine
    • Vitamin B6

    Aside from having a higher percentage of these vitamins, Tropicana isn’t actually considered any healthier than Simply Orange. They are very similar and considered equally healthy when it comes to 100% orange juice.

    It’s your choice

    If you’re an orange juice fan, you might be wondering about Tropicana vs. Simply Orange. These are very similar juices that, as far as we can tell, are equally popular when it comes to what customers prefer.

    Both are made from 100% orange juice and are considered two of the healthier options compared to the competition. They have minimal ingredients with lots of added vitamins, making them a healthier alternative to more processed juices.

    These are also very big names in the juice world, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding either Tropicana or Simply Orange orange juice in grocery stores. Almost every grocery store carries both options, no matter where you live.