Additionally, Mohan Kapur reprises his MCU role as Yusuf Khan, while Kamar de los Reyes plays Hector Ayala/White Tiger. The cast also includes Michael Gandolfini, Zabryna Guevara, Nikki M. James, Genneya Walton, Arty Froushan, Clark Johnson, Jeremy Earl and Lou Taylor Pucci.
The trailer mainly consists of Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk (now the mayor) having a tense conversation in a restaurant now that they have both, in Fisk's words, “come into the world.” Their conversation is interspersed with other images from the series, including the trademark brutal fight scenes, complete with bones breaking in various unnatural ways. And yes, we get a glimpse of a bearded Frank Castle/The Punisher in attack mode (“Frank! Would you mind putting down the hatchet?”).
Fisk insists his intention as mayor is to serve the city, but Matt “can't shake the feeling that you're gaming the system.” Matt admits he gave up his vigilante ways after “a line was crossed.” Fisk, of course, believes that we all need to “come to terms with our violent natures” and emphasizes that sometimes “the peace must be broken and chaos must reign.” As for Matt, he was certainly raised as a devout Catholic to believe in mercy, “but I was also raised to believe in retribution.” We are ready for another showdown between these two.
Daredevil: Born Again will be released on Disney+ on March 4, 2025.