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The Democrats need a hero. They already have one.

    Democrats face two crucial questions: (1) Keep Joe or dump Joe; and (2) if the latter, put Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket or hold an open convention?

    Most conversations between Democrats never get beyond these two questions. Instead, they dissolve into cries of “You don't know!” “Well, you don't know either!” But when two Democrats could be If we can somehow agree that Harris should lead, the obvious next question is: Who would be the best choice for vice president?

    The media has begun to name candidates for this scenario, and they are largely the same candidates who have been mentioned for an open Congress: Governors Andy Beshear, Josh Shapiro, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom and JB Pritzker.

    But most governors enjoy their jobs as CEOs of their states. When Biden secured the nomination in 2020, he invited Michigan Gov. Whitmer to meet him in Delaware for a screening. According to Whitmer, Biden asked her, “Why do you want to be vice president?” She told him HOUR Detroit Magazine that her response was, “Joe, I'm here because you asked me to be here. I love my job. I love being in Michigan. There's no other place I want to go…”

    Rather than comb through the same names, it made sense to try some reverse engineering and sketch out the credentials that would complement Harris while adding general appeal and electability. Those qualities include:

    • Someone from a swing state

    • Gender, Race, and a Compelling Origin Story

    • Military experience/patriotism

    • Dedicated to their family

    • Foreign policy experience

    • Someone who would want the job and can get along well with Harris

    When we take all this into account, there is only one name that fits all the requirements: Senator Mark Kelly.

    Kelly has represented the swing state of Arizona since December 2020, when he defeated incumbent Martha McSally. He last won his election in 2022, running against Peter Thiel's protégé Blake Masters. Kelly is a proud centrist and bipartisan, especially on border policy. Arizona has been blue since John McCain died, but Krysten Sinema's choice to align herself with Wall Street has jeopardized that. Having Kelly on the ticket could increase the chances that Democrat Ruben Gallego will take Sinema's seat in November.

    With a woman of color running for POTUS, it makes political sense to have a white man for the VP position. Kelly’s upbringing is a natural fit for the American dream. He was born in New Jersey to two police officers. Lots of people have cop dads, but a mom? That’s a great story. Kelly went to public schools and earned his college degree from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. He later added a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. Living at the Naval Observatory just makes sense.

    Mark Kelly the astronaut in 2005Mark Kelly the astronaut in 2005

    Mark Kelly, the astronaut, in 2005.


    After college, Kelly and his twin brother Scott joined the Navy and served nine years as naval aviators. Kelly completed two carrier tours in the Persian Gulf and logged 39 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm. (Compare that to J.D. Vance, who spent four years in the Marines, including six months in Iraq as a “combat correspondent.”) Kelly's service and nerves of steel earned him a chest full of medals. Then NASA came knocking. In 1996, Kelly and his brother were selected to train as space shuttle pilots. During his years as an astronaut, Kelly lived in Houston, which could also boost Democrats' efforts to make progress in Texas.

    The documentary Gabby Giffords Isn't Giving Up offers a remarkable glimpse into Kelly’s devotion to his wife in the wake of a terrible tragedy. Kelly and former Arizona congressman Giffords had been married for just four years and were ready to start a family. They were just days away from undergoing Giffords’ first fertility treatment when she was shot in the head during an assassination attempt in 2011. Six people were killed, including a congressional staffer.

    Giffords is still partially paralyzed and suffers from aphasia. A large chunk of her skull had to be replaced. (The original is in the couple's freezer; watch the documentary.) The rehabilitation process has been arduous, and Giffords calls Kelly, “My partner. My rock.” Despite many limitations, Giffords has regained the ability to walk, talk, sing, laugh… and advise Kelly on his political career.

    Giffords is an inspiration. She is also a victim of gun violence in a country where Republicans have surrendered to the NRA and done little while mass killings have become a daily occurrence. With Giffords as second lady, perhaps that could move the needle on major gun legislation.

    Kelly also has two daughters from his first marriage. It shouldn't matter, but in Trump's America, it's worth noting that the Kelly daughters are beautiful.

    U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and his wife former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, daughters Charlotte, Samantha and son-in-law Mark SudmanU.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and his wife former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, daughters Charlotte, Samantha and son-in-law Mark Sudman

    U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and his wife, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, daughters Charlotte, Samantha, and son-in-law Mark Sudman.

    Kevin Dietsch

    It is not foreign policy experience preciselyBut Kelly can claim a uniquely global perspective, having spent 54 days in space. In a 2008 mission, Kelly tasked Discovery with delivering two critical parts to the International Space Station: a robotic arm built in Japan and a part to repair the station’s only toilet. Hero!

    Would Kelly want the job? He’s one of 100 senators, so being vice president with the potential to break a tie in the Senate seems like a step up. Plus, Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs gets to appoint a replacement for the Senate seat if it becomes vacant.

    Kelly and Harris also appear to have a warm relationship. In May 2023, Harris posted: “Senator Mark Kelly is a fearless leader who has served this nation in the halls of the Senate and from thousands of miles above the Earth. Today, I congratulate my friend Senator Kelly on his well-deserved induction into the Astronaut Hall of Fame.”

    There are, of course, unknowns. Kelly has been vetted for the highest state office, but not for national office, which comes with a deeper level of scrutiny. Another downside is that Kelly, like many astronauts, is of average height. This shouldn’t matter, but then again… Trump.

    Kelly is not making any public moves. He was interviewed by Ian Bremmer last week and said, “I expect we're going to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.” He added, “Going back to the Donald Trump administration would be a huge mistake.”

    Kelly's name has come up in this context in the past week. A recent Politico poll showed Kelly as one of four Democrats leading Biden by five points in key battleground states.

    As a patriot and a devoted husband, Kelly would appeal to both men and women. And finally, every politician wishes he could campaign in two places at once, so it's a huge bonus that Kelly's twin brother is identical.

    Kelly's office did not respond to a request for comment.

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