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Taco Flavored Doritos – Taco Flavored Doritos taste like

    If you like Doritos products, you might have heard of the elusive taco-flavored Doritos. This is a Doritos flavor that many customers are interested in but are having a hard time getting their hands on.

    This isn’t particularly unusual as Doritos offers a wide variety of flavors that aren’t always easy to find. As different stores carry different flavors and certain flavors may be discontinued or available for a limited time only.

    As such, it can be quite difficult to get your hands on certain flavors that you may specifically desire. Especially when none of your local stores carry them and you don’t know where to get them.

    Read on to learn more about taco-flavored Doritos and some nutritional aspects of the specific type of Dorito chips.

    How do taco-flavored Doritos taste?

    If you love eating Doritos chips, you may have heard of Doritos Taco Flavor. This is a flavor of Doritos that is very popular as it has a traditional taco flavor that many people enjoy when eating something like Doritos.

    hold Dorito chips

    This is just one of the mini flavors that Doritos offers as this brand of chips is known for its variety of flavor options. With many different flavors that come and go depending on the season and current customer demand.

    Taco Flavored Doritos is a product that has become particularly popular with Doritos customers. So many people really enjoyed this special flavor as it had a well-rounded flavor that was very reminiscent of tacos and Mexican food.

    Although similar to some of the other chip flavors Doritos offers, there are a few things that set Doritos Taco Flavored apart from others, such as:

    taco seasoning

    The main flavor of Taco Flavored Doritos is the taco seasoning liberally added to the Dorito chips. This taco seasoning is very well rounded and contains many flavors traditionally found in Mexican food.

    Give these Doritos the Mexican flavor you’d expect from any taco-flavored product. Because it’s deeply flavorful and slightly spicy with some effervescence and acidity to top it all off.

    You can’t even see the taco seasoning specs sprinkled on the tortilla chips.


    The taco-flavored Doritos also have a hint of lime flavor that really helps make these chips extra tasty. Lime is a very traditional ingredient in Mexican cuisine and tacos, making it a great complement to taco flavors.

    Doritos isn’t new to including lime flavors in its chips either, as there are many other types of flavor options that contain lime. As this is a flavor that goes very well with the plain Doritos chips as they are pretty much just corn chips.

    The lime helps add brightness that keeps these chips from feeling too heavy or heavy. It also adds a bit of acidity to round out some of the spicy notes in these chips.


    Many people also describe the taste of a slightly cheesy flavor when eating the taco-flavored Doritos. This isn’t one of the main flavor components, but something most people will easily notice when eating these chips.

    They’re not extremely cheesy, but have a slightly cheesy flavor that complements the taco seasoning. Add some richness to the chips that really helps enhance the flavors as a whole.

    Taco-flavored Doritos are still available

    Something a lot of Doritos customers might be concerned about is whether or not the taco-flavored Doritos are still available. This is something that often comes with different flavors of Doritos as it can be difficult to know if they are still available.

    Bag of chips Doritos on a blue background

    Because Doritos is known for releasing certain items and quickly taking them away again if they are not popular enough. Doritos also only releases certain flavors for a limited time and doesn’t make them all year round.

    Doritos appeared to have discontinued the taco-flavored Doritos back in 2020, which upset many customers. But people could still find these types of Doritos in grocery stores, convenience stores, and online.

    So they aren’t gone forever as you can still find them if you look hard enough. Some people are lucky enough to find them at their local grocery store, while others may need to do a little more research or order online.

    The good news is that taco-flavored Doritos still exist, and you can still enjoy them if you haven’t had a chance to try this chip flavor yet. If you can’t find them in any stores near you, you’re most likely lucky if you order them online.

    Taco-flavored Doritos have 150 calories

    Doritos are not considered extremely healthy chips as they are still high in calories and sodium, making them less healthy. But they have some properties that other chips don’t have because they are corn chips.

    That makes them a bit more nutritionally beneficial than your average potato chip. Although Doritos is still considered a special treat and should not be consumed daily or excessively.

    If you want to try the taco-flavored Doritos, the serving size of these chips is 150 calories. Which is quite high compared to other types of chips, although most ships will be relatively high in calories.

    It’s also worth noting that one serving of these chips contains 180mg of sodium. So you should definitely not overeat these as they are not very beneficial to your diet.