Don't be “technology blind”, says broadband group
The Benton Institute for Broadband & Society criticized what the “Trump's Bead Meddling” called, and said that it would leave “millions of Americans with broadband that is slower, less reliable and more expensive.” The shift to a “technology-neutral” approach should not be “technology blind,” said the interest group.
“Fiber Broadband is generally considered better than other internet options – such as Starlink's satellites – because it delivers considerably higher speeds, is more reliable because of the resistance to interference (of weather, brown, terrain, etc.), has a higher bandwidth capacity and offers symmetrical upload and download speeds, making that is.
It is ultimately up to individual states to distribute funds to ISPs after they have obtained their allocations from the US government, although the States must follow rules issued by federal officials. Nobody knows exactly how much each internet provider will receive, but a Wall Street Journal report this week said that the new rules can help Starlink to get almost half of the available financing.
“According to the original rules of the BEAD program, Starlink was expected to be expected to $ 4.1 billion, said people who are familiar with the issue. With the revision of Lutnick, Starlink, a unit of Musk's SpaceX, received $ 10 billion to $ 20 billion, they said,” they said, “according to the WSJ report.
The end of Bead's fiber preference would also help the cable and fixed wireless providers to gain access to a subsidy. Lobby groups for those industries have called for rule changes to help their members obtain subsidies.
While the Commerce department continues with bead changes itself, the Republicans also propose a rewriting of the law. Subcommissie-voorzitter Richard Hudson (RN.C.) van House Communications and Technology heeft gisteren de wetgeving aangekondigd dat zijn kantoor zei dat zijn 'lastige voorwaarden die door de administratie van Biden-Harris werden opgelegd, zou elimineren, inclusief die met betrekking tot arbeid, klimaatverandering en renteverschrijving, die de implementatie duurder en participatie minder aantrekkelijk maakte'.