Paramount+ has announced a new movie called Star Trek: Section 31 which will star Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh, reprising her role as Emperor Philippa Georgiou Star Trek: Discovery.
In 2019, it was announced that the streaming network was exploring the idea of a series starring her — in fact, it was one of the first post-Discovery announcements, but it’s been radio silence since then and Yeoh’s already illustrious career has reached new heights with the huge critical and popular success of Everything everywhere at once. Star Trek viewers could be forgiven for assuming that Yeoh – now, more than ever, loving artist and star as you might call – may have moved on.
This announcement makes it clear that’s not the case, although her growing popularity could be the reason for narrowing down a series concept to just one movie. (That’s complete speculation on our part, though.) Yeoh released the following statement alongside the announcement:
I am beyond excited to return to my Star Trek family and the role I have loved for so long. Section 31 has been close to my heart ever since I started the journey of playing Philippa, all the way back when this new golden age of Star Trek kicked off. To see her finally get her moment is a dream come true in a year that has shown me the incredible strength to never give up on your dreams. We can’t wait to share what’s in store for you, and until then, live long and prosper (unless Emperor Georgiou decides otherwise)!
The concept of section 31 was introduced quite a long time ago, specifically in 1998, for the sixth season Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Inquisition.” While some have described it as a CIA equivalent, that’s not entirely accurate, as the CIA is still theoretically beholden to US law and leadership. In a series of Deep Space Nine episodes showing the organization revealed that Section 31 was specifically a completely independent entity with no oversight, as those who set it up believed that the Federation should be able to play dirty toe-to-toe with other civilizations’ unleashed espionage organizations like the Romulans’ Tal Shiar or the Cardassians’ Obsidian Order to survive, but the values and laws of the Federation would not allow it otherwise.
Since then, Section 31 has been referenced in many other places, including a few episodes of Star Trek: Enterprisethe alternate timeline movie Star Trek Into Darknessa few episodes of Star Trek: lower decksand numerous Discovery episodes.
Those performances served to flesh out the organization much further than anything Deep Space Nine did when it was first introduced.
It’s always been a bit of a side note in Star Trek lore though, so the fact that it’s the subject of the first Star Trek movie since the largely unrelated JJ Abrams trilogy is noteworthy – although you might say that it has much more. to do with the appeal of both Georgiou as a character and Yeoh as a performer.
Georgiou was introduced in the role of legendary captain back then Discovery first premiered, but the series quickly upended expectations by killing her off. However, an alternate reality version of the same character was soon introduced to the show with different motives and background. This Georgiou entered the same universe as most of the other Star Trek TV canon and eventually got involved with Section 31.
The new film’s description says it will follow part of Georgiou’s career within Section 31 as she “confronts the sins of her past”. However, it doesn’t get much more detailed than that.
Produced by CBS Studios, the film will be written by Craig Sweeny (The 4400, Medium, Elementary, Star Trek: Discovery) and directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Gotham, Colony, Star Trek: Discovery) – both veterans of the CBS television world.