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Skydiver with failed parachute slams into house roof, California firefighters say

    A parachutist survived an uncontrolled fall over Oceanside when his parachute failed to fully open, California firefighters told news outlets.

    The man, in his 30s or 40s, hit the roof of a two-story house and fell to the ground between two houses around 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, firefighters told KSWB.

    He suffered serious but not life-threatening injuries, the San Diego Union Tribune reported.

    Firefighters from Oceanside and Carlsbad responded to 911 calls and airlifted the skydiver to a hospital, KGTV reported.

    The man had jumped from a GoJump parachute jump plane stationed at Oceanside Airport, but his parachute failed to deploy property, firefighters told KFMB. “The partially open parachute prevented a full free fall, but the landing was uncontrolled and at an accelerated pace,” firefighters told the station.

    Oceanside is a city of 173,000 people located about 40 miles north of San Diego.

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