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Several dead in Denmark after shooting in Copenhagen shopping center

    Several people were killed and injured in a shooting at a shopping center in Copenhagen on Sunday, local police said.

    Soren Thomassen of Copenhagen Police did not comment on the death toll and declined to give details of a motive, saying it was too early. Information on the condition of the injured was not made available.

    He said police had taken a 22-year-old Dane into custody in connection with the shooting. Police do not rule out the possibility that more than one person was involved in the gunshot.

    “We have several dead and injured,” Mr Thomassen said at a press conference at police headquarters, which was briefly interrupted by sirens in the background.

    “As you can clearly hear, it’s busy,” he said. “What happens in a tragic event is that we intervene on many fronts.”

    The shooting took place at Field’s, Denmark’s largest shopping center.

    Video and images posted on social media showed people sprint out of the mall and ambulances on the outside. Armed police officers ran near the mall and a helicopter hovered over the mall.

    An employee of a shopping center told a local news station that “crowds of people” had run away to seek shelter in the Kentucky Fried Chicken at Field’s. Employees barricaded the doors and stayed there for about 45 minutes, the employee said.

    An eyewitness, Mahdi Al-Wazni, told TV 2 News that he saw the gunman.

    “He seemed violent and angry, and he screamed as he ran and grabbed the gun and smashed the windows,” he said. “You’d think it was an action movie when it ran. He seemed very proud of what he was doing, I could see that.”

    Other eyewitnesses described scenes of panic and workers helping shoppers flee through the back rooms of stores.