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Sean Hannity’s dig at Republicans for House Speaker failure is laughable

    Fox News host Sean Hannity was outraged by the spectacle of House Republicans failing to win Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as speaker in three roll call votes on Tuesday. (Watch the video below.)

    Hannity even said the conservative power struggle made him feel more like a circus.

    “House Republicans are now on the verge of becoming a total clown show if they’re not careful,” Hannity said. “But despite the cheers and elation of the Democrats, the mafia and the media, it is not yet a dire situation.”

    The new GOP-controlled house, entrusted with the usually perfunctory task of choosing a speaker, instead made history. According to the Congressional Research Service, it was the first time since 1923 that the House did not elect a new speaker on the first ballot.

    Scuttled by a faction that included Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) plus all Democrats, the votes fell short of the 218 McCarthy needs to win. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) received votes even though he nominated McCarthy.

    Usually a GOP cheerleader, Hannity noted that a “small but seemingly determined group of lawmakers is now standing in the way” of McCarthy’s election.

    Hannity advocated McCarthy’s case as “the America-first, MAGA agenda that so many of you I know like.”

    In an appeal to the breakaway conservatives, the host said McCarthy would investigate President Joe Biden, oppose his “radical socialized agenda” and restrict immigration.

    “I keep asking the holdouts over and over, what are you looking for?” Hannity added. “What would you do to better serve your constituents at home? I’ve been asking many of these members about this for weeks and I rarely got an answer. I mainly got radio silence, lots of crickets.”

    H/T Mediaite
