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Salt doesn’t melt ice – that’s how it makes winter streets really safe

    Het strooien van zout op wegen is een veiligheidsmaatregel.  <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" doel="_blanco" data-ylk="slk:stoatphoto/" klasse="koppeling ">stoatphoto/</a>” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ2Ng–/″ “–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ2Ng–/”</div>
<p>Brrr… it’s cold out there!  Children flock to the television hoping to hear that a snow day is coming;  the bread and milk aisles in supermarkets are empty because of an approaching snowstorm;  and trucks spray salt or salt water on the roads.</p>
<p>We all know why the first two happen – kids fancy a day off from school filled with hot chocolate and snowmen.  Adults stock up on supplies.  But what about those trucks?</p>
<p>They try to protect drivers from slipperiness by spraying rock salt or a salt water solution to prevent icing.  This salt is very similar to the one you have on your dinner table – it’s the same sodium chloride, NaCl.  There are some proprietary mixtures that contain other salts, such as potassium chloride (KCl) and magnesium chloride (MgCl), but they are not as commonly used.</p>
<p>Road salt is not as pure as what you use on your food;  it has a brown-gray color, mainly due to mineral pollution.  Exposing the environment to this salt through runoff can have a number of unintended consequences, including negative effects on plants, aquatic life and wetlands.</p>
<p>But it’s a cheap and effective way to protect roads from ice thanks to a simple scientific principle: freezing point depression of solutions.  The freezing point of pure water, the temperature at which it becomes ice, is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  So when snow, hail or sleet falls and the ground is 32 F or colder, solid ice forms on streets and sidewalks.</p>
<p>However, if the water is mixed with salt, the freezing temperature of the solution is below 32 F. The salt hinders the ability of the water molecules to form solid ice crystals.  The degree of freezing point depression depends on how salty the solution is.</p>
<figure class=
    Zout voorkomt dat de watermoleculen stollen tot ijskristallen bij 32 F, in plaats daarvan brijachtig blijven bij die temperatuur, voordat ze uiteindelijk bevriezen rond 15 F. Julie Pollock, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" doel="_blanco" data-ylk="slk:CC BY-ND" klasse="koppeling ">CC BY-ND</a>” data-src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTU2Mw–/″<noscript><img alt=CC BY-ND” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTU2Mw–/”1abf5ef5174e” -img”/>
    Salt prevents the water molecules from solidifying into ice crystals at 32 F, instead remaining mush at that temperature, before finally freezing around 15 F. Julie Pollock, CC BY-ND

    It is important to note that the salt must be in a liquid water solution for this principle to be met. That’s why many cities spray a saline solution before ice forms.

    Salt dumped on top of ice relies on the sun or the friction of car tires driving over it to initially melt the ice into a slush that can mix with the salt and then not refreeze. Solid salt pre-treatment relies on the warmer road surface to initially melt any snow or sleet so that it can properly mix with the salt. This is also why pre-treatment of bridges – which are colder than other roads – usually doesn’t work, and why you see “bridge freeze before road” signs.

    These salt solutions lower the freezing temperature of water to about 15 F. So unfortunately for people facing really cold temperatures, treating them with salt won’t remove the ice from their roads.

    An alternative strategy used in these lower temperatures is to sprinkle sand on top of the ice. Sand doesn’t change the melting temperature, it just provides a rough surface for your tires to prevent slipping and sliding.

    The science of freezing point depression can be applied to any solution, and many research groups have focused on developing alternatives with less negative impact on the environment. They contain additives such as molasses and beet juice. So maybe you look forward to cleaning not only white salt from the bottom of your jeans after a winter walk, but also pink salt.

    This article was republished on The Conversation, a non-profit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. Do you like this article? subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

    It was written by: Julie Pollock, University of Richmond.

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    Julie Pollock receives research funding from the University of Richmond, the Mary Louise Andrews Award for Cancer Research from the Virginia Academy of Sciences, the Jeffress Memorial Trust, and the Beckman Foundation.