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Russian propagandist confirms encirclement of elite Russian units in Kharkiv Oblast

    Lightning Ukrainian advance in Kharkiv Oblast sees Russian troops trapped in sack

    Lightning Ukrainian advance in Kharkiv Oblast sees Russian troops trapped in sack

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    According to the propagandist, who is known in the circles of supporters of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Russian units now have no communication contact, which could indicate their destruction or capture.

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    “I confirm the encirclement of the assembled detachments of the Samara and Bashkir SOBRs within the borders of Balakliya,” the update reads.

    “Yesterday we had contact with the boys, today there is none.”

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    In addition, he stated that the Ukrainian army in Kharkiv Oblast is conducting an offensive along two axes simultaneously: Kupyansk and Izyum.

    “The advance towards Izyum poses a threat not only to the headquarters of the Russian Armed Forces Group on this axis, but also to the rear of our troops on the Slovyansk axis,” the military blogger added.

    “That’s why the (Ukrainian) are trying to take off here.”

    At the same time, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has not yet officially responded to reports of the fighting around Balakliya.

    Also read: Russian invaders launch rocket attack on Kharkiv at night

    Meanwhile, the Ukrainian army continues its counter-offensive, which began on August 29 and liberated Ukrainian areas on several axes simultaneously.

    Ukrainian forces are under fire on the Antonivskyi Bridge and other crossings over the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast, preventing the Russian military from restoring these critical supply routes to them.

    Also read: Russian troops shell Kharkiv, killing at least five

    The transfer of Russian reinforcements to the area is thus blocked, which has seriously reduced the capabilities of the Russian invasion forces in this region.

    In addition to Kherson Oblast, an active counter-offensive has also started in Kharkov Oblast.

    And while the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reveals little in its updates on military activities, the liberation of a number of areas, most notably Vysokopillia in the northern Kherson oblast – one of the main objectives of the Ukrainian army’s advance – has been confirmed.

    In addition, Ukrainian partisans continue to eliminate pro-Kremlin collaborators who have voluntarily agreed to work for the Russian occupation authorities.

    Amid these developments, the occupation administration in Kherson Oblast decided not to hold a pseudo-referendum on “adding” the occupied region to Russia.

    Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine