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Rice Krispies Treat Cereal Discontinued

    If you’re a fan of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal, you might be wondering if this cereal has been discontinued. This has become a common question after customers realized they don’t see this type of cereal in stores.

    Many customers are afraid of companies removing their favorite products from their lines and grocery stores. This happens fairly regularly as companies may not be selling enough of that product or have other reasons not to want to sell it anymore.

    This can be quite unfortunate for customers as it is never pleasant when items they love to buy are discontinued. Once they are discontinued, they are gone forever and you will no longer be able to purchase them in stores.

    This is why so many customers were concerned that Kellogg’s discontinued the cereal because they didn’t see it in stores. Read on to find out whether or not the rice krispies granola has been discontinued.

    Will Rice Krispies Treat Cereal be discontinued?

    If you were a fan of the Rice Krispies cereal, you might be wondering if this has been discontinued. Unfortunately this kind of muesli has been discontinued by Kellogg’s in 2020, according to customers who asked about it online.

    Rice Krispies Treat

    This was a major disappointment for fans of this grain as it was such a unique option that many people were drawn to. It was one of Kellogg’s bestsellers and appears to have a bright future.

    This was a rather dramatic decision by Kellogg’s to discontinue this type of cereal. It’s one of the reasons why so many customers took heart when they realized they couldn’t buy this cereal again.

    This is just one of the many cereals that Kellogg’s has discontinued over the years as it has discontinued certain cereals. This is often a disappointment for customers who like this type of cereal and want to buy it again.

    Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for companies to discontinue products without much warning. They often do this for internal company reasons and often do not explain these reasons to customers.

    Because of this, many customers are still upset that the Rice Krispies Treat Cereal is no longer available to them.


    Now that you know that Kellogg’s Crispy Rice Cereal has been discontinued, you might be wondering why. This was a pretty popular cereal option, and it just doesn’t make sense why Kellogg’s would decide to discontinue it so suddenly.

    The reality is that Kellogg’s recently changed the recipe for this type of cereal just before it was discontinued. It was never explained why the original recipe was changed, leading to many complaints.

    The original rice krispies granola consisted of rice krispies, which were sweet and crunchy. But Kellogg’s changed the recipe to crunchy rice cereal with marshmallows thrown in the bag.

    This did not go down well with customers as it took away the uniqueness of this production option. This led to a large number of complaints, as well as the signing of a petition urging Kellogg’s to go back to the original recipe.

    Unfortunately, Kellogg’s decided to simply discontinue this type of cereal instead of going back to the original recipe. And never explain that decision, although reasons may matter, such as:

    • Too hard to do
    • Lots of complaints from customers
    • Not enough sales


    If you’ve enjoyed granola with rice krispies in the past, you might be wondering where this recipe went. The reality is that this type of cereal was discontinued by Kellogg’s in 2020 after changing the original recipe.

    It was never really explained to customers why this decision was ultimately made. Although so many customers were very upset that the muesli was finally discontinued.

    There was much dissatisfaction when Kellogg’s originally changed the recipe, which plummeted sales of the cereal. This may ultimately have led to it being discontinued, despite so many customers asking that the original recipe be brought back.