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Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s childish mockery at Rep. Liz Cheney comes back to haunt him

    People on Twitter are using Rep.’s own words. Madison Cawthorn (RN.C.) against him.

    Cawthorn, who has been involved in several controversies — including allegations of insider trading and sexual harassment — lost a reelection campaign to conservative challenger Chuck Edwards in the GOP primaries for the 11th congressional district Tuesday.

    Now Twitter users are making sure his farewell message to a former Republican leader gets attention.

    In May 2021, Cawthorn directed a childish tweet at the former Speaker of the House Republican Conference and current Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) after Republicans removed her from the post:

    He posted the tweet, which references a popular song by the group Steam from the 1970s after Republicans gave Cheney the boot for her refusal to support former President Donald Trump’s big lie about the 2020 presidential election. A year later, Republican figures and voters are happy to see Cawthorn say “hey hey, goodbye” to his own job.

    Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Convention, reveled in some glee:

    Other Twitter users also had fun with the old post:

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
