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Raw salmon in the fridge 5 days

    If you love eating salmon, you’re probably wondering if raw salmon can be stored in the fridge for 5 days. This is a common question as many people are unsure of when to eat their salmon after purchasing it.

    Seafood doesn’t have a very long shelf life, so it’s important to make sure you know how long it will keep. Especially if you often buy raw seafood as you have a certain amount of time to eat it.

    You could easily get extremely sick if you would eat all the seafood or spoiled seafood. Seafood is very similar to meat in that it has the ability to build bad bacteria if left out for too long.

    Read on to find out if raw salmon lasts 5 days in the refrigerator and how long uncooked salmon is good.

    Raw salmon stored in the fridge for up to 5 days

    If you’ve bought raw salmon, it’s important to make sure you consume it within a certain time frame. Five days in the fridge is usually too long for raw salmon, as raw salmon generally only lasts for three days after opening.

    Raw salmon steaks with rosemary on wooden plate

    If you haven’t opened the package of raw salmon, it’s most likely good for up to five days or even longer. As it is carefully sealed and has not been exposed to airborne bacteria to spoil it.

    How long raw salmon keeps doesn’t entirely depend on how you store it, as it doesn’t have a very long shelf life. Once opened, you should eat the raw salmon within 3 days to keep it from going bad.

    Thawed salmon should also be consumed within three days as it is in its raw form. When packaged and unopened, it can keep for up to five days, but you should generally not thaw salmon until you’re ready to eat it.

    Once cooked, your salmon should easily keep for up to five days without going bad. However, you should eat it within four or five days so that it is still fresh and good to eat.

    How long does raw salmon last in the fridge?

    Once you have purchased raw salmon, there is a short window of time when you must consume this type of seafood. Leaving the salmon in its packaging until ready to cook will give it a much longer shelf life.

    Because of this, it is recommended that you only buy the amount of salmon you need for each meal. This way you can use all of the raw salmon as soon as you open the package instead of leaving half of it in the fridge.

    Unopened salmon can last up to five days or even longer if left untouched in the refrigerator. Opened and raw salmon should be cooked and eaten within a maximum of three days to remain fresh and safe.

    Once you’ve cooked the raw salmon, it will last a little longer in the fridge, typically up to five days total. So if you don’t eat it right away, it’s better to leave it in the package or cook it so it lasts longer.

    Raw salmon goes bad after 6 days

    When buying raw salmon, it’s important to know how to store it and if it’s gone bad. Especially if you have kept the raw salmon past the use by date stated on the package.

    Grilled salmon

    In general, it’s okay to eat raw salmon past its expiration date, as long as it’s been stored properly. This usually includes raw salmon in the unopened package and in the fridge or freezer.

    You’ll want to know how to spot the signs when your salmon has gone bad so you don’t accidentally eat it. Since you can get very sick from eating spoiled seafood.

    Different colors

    Raw salmon is typically a pink coral color that is bright and vibrant. This color should stay the same no matter how long you have the raw salmon if it’s still good to eat.

    When the raw salmon has started to turn a blue, green, or gray color, that’s a clear sign it’s going bad. Old is Sam and also takes on a bluish or gray color showing that it is no longer fresh.

    That’s why you should only buy salmon that’s this bright coral color and don’t eat it if it turns color in the fridge.

    Fishy smell

    You may assume that seafood is supposed to have a fishy smell, but that’s not necessarily true. Good quality fresh seafood will not smell fishy, ​​but it will have a fresh seafood smell.

    If your salmon starts to smell fishy or pungent, it could be a clear sign it’s going bad. Raw salmon should smell fresh but not have an overly fishy or off-putting odor when still edible.

    Slimy or growth

    Raw salmon that has gone bad often develops a white film that is slimy and sticky. It can also start to form bacteria or mold, which will show up in patches all over the salmon.

    A piece of salmon with lemon (1)

    These are indications that you should definitely not eat the salmon and throw it away as it has already spoiled. Raw salmon should be moist and tender, but not slimy, sticky, or blotchy.

    It’s a good idea to examine raw salmon thoroughly after purchase so you know exactly what it looked like fresh. That way, you can tell if anything has changed that might indicate you shouldn’t be eating it.

    Raw salmon can also be frozen

    If you love buying raw salmon, you may find it difficult to keep a supply of salmon without storing it for too long. This is because raw salmon has a limited shelf life and should be eaten as soon as possible, which can be difficult.

    A good way to store raw salmon is to freeze it to extend its shelf life. Because raw salmon doesn’t go bad when frozen, it’s not exposed to bacteria or anything else that could spoil it.

    You can’t put raw salmon in the freezer if it’s still in its original packaging and carefully sealed. It freezes and can keep for up to several months until you’re ready to thaw and cook it.

    This is the best way to preserve raw salmon until you’re ready to use it. Just remember that after a few months its quality will deteriorate. It doesn’t necessarily go bad, but it does start to age and can get freezer burn.