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Peter Hegseth Makes Annoying Comment About Hate Group Arrest Near Pride Parade

    Fox News host Peter Hegseth responded on Sunday to a hate group that is reportedly planning a riot at a gay pride parade by scorning Black Lives Matter protesters. (Watch the video below.)

    A report on “Fox & Friends Weekend” noted that 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front were crammed into a U-Haul to carry out the plot. They were arrested near the Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

    “Police say they heard about the U-Haul from a tipster who reported the men loading into the truck in a hotel parking lot,” Fox News host Ashley Strohmier said.

    Hegseth then brought up Black Lives Matter protests, which are completely unrelated.

    “I just want to know how many BLM riots were prevented because we went from the inside in, before they burned down riots and cities,” Hegseth said.

    “Very interesting,” replied cohost Rachel Campos-Duffy.

    “Never ahead of that curve,” Hegseth said.

    A study of thousands of Black Lives Matters protests after the police murder of George Floyd found that an overwhelming majority were nonviolent. The small percentage who turned violent involved violent intervention by law enforcement or counter-protests by extremist groups, researchers found.

    In a similar vein, conservative media and politicians have made misguided attempts to draw parallels between the January 6, 2021 uprising and the Black Lives Matter protests.

    h/t Media is important

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
