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People share the moment when their parents acknowledged that votes on Donald Trump was a mistake, and I am speechless

    Several online people are open about their regret after they voted for Donald Trump, so we asked people in the Buzz Feed community whose parents voted for Trump to tell us what their parents needed to acknowledge that they made a choice that was harmful to themselves or others.

    Donald Trump in the Oval Office

    Mandel Ngan / AFP via Getty images

    A similar scenario was also presented in the Subreddit R/Boomersbeingfools.

    The reactions were wide. Here there are a few:

    1.“When I explained my parents that Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices has canceled the forgiveness of student loans because Gop Klayed States, they were furious.”

    “My little brother has $ 100,000 in bachelor debt, and my daughter has $ 7,000. I further explained how the Gop and Trump ruined the ACA, and that pushed them over the edge.

    My father decided he was too old to vote. He says he is not smart enough to understand what is happening behind the problems and does not want to ruin it for the rest of us. He has tried to convince other old people/fox viewers to give up and leave it to the next generation. “

    – Uniquemeat905

    2.“My father is gay now!”

    Person sitting with a surprised expression, with a main deviation and earrings, for a large red chair with modern design elements


    3.“My 92-year-old father has always leaned in his politics and usually voted Republican. When Trump came to the scene, he thought it was just a publicity stunt. He never loved Trump, but thought he would be a good president because he was a” good businessman. “He voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.”

    “During the 2024 election season, he heard me rage about the crime of Trump, his terrible treatment of women and people of color and his overall lack of morality. I was deeply disappointed to think that he would still vote for Trump in 2024 and struggled with my feelings towards my father, but who is a decent man, who is a decent man, but who is a decent man, but who is a decent man?

    After the elections I had to avoid talking to my father for a few days because I was so angry. The first time I saw him after the elections, he asked how I felt about it. I told him that I was very angry with people who voted for Trump and didn't want to talk about it. He was temporarily quiet and then asked, “Would you feel better to know that I didn't vote for him?” I was unbelieving. He continued: “I thought a lot about it and finally decided that my daughter is one of the smartest people I know, and if she thinks he is a terrible person who will be a terrible president, I trust her judgment.”

    I started crying and told him he just gave me the best gift ever. I could love my father completely without being angry with him. It was such a huge weight that was lifted by me. He also let me promise to tell my two Maga brothers that he was not voting for Trump. “


    4.“They have lost more than 20% of their pension savings since Trump was inaugurated.”


    5.“My Boomer parents quickly see the consequences of their voices, and I think it weighs on them. We live in a very red province with many Maga boards, but my father made his.”

    Donald Trump seems surprised a debate

    “I have seized every opportunity to rub their nose in their mistakes when they get a chance. I am a social worker for our County Mental Health Authority and is paid through medicaid and medicare, so my work is in Limbo with the upcoming budget reductions. I also have a child with special needs supported by an elm. My father.

    Every time something is raised about the consequences that these things will have on our lives, my parents just hang their heads. They can no longer deny it, but I am just so damn angry about their years of supporting that mangomonster. “


    6.“She is not entirely against Trump, but my mother is very unhappy with the problems he causes with regard to prices/shortages at the supermarket, and she is even less impressed by Elon Musk's involvement in the government.”

    “She says Trump has lost his mind and that this is not what [she] voted for '(however, it is). “


    7.“I am in contact with my Narc parents, who are Maga, and I also do social work for a Medicaid program. I saw my mother a week ago for the first time since the elections, and she had the guts to ask if my work was safe with everything that was going on.”

    Person who sits indoors, with a striped sweater, with a worried expression. Text overlay: "Is it going?"

    “She couldn't even look me in the eyes when she asked it. It's like it's a bit too late to worry about it now. I just answered:” For now. ” I really hope that her disability benefits and free state insurance will not go anywhere.


    8.“My father -in -law voted for 'Chump' and my husband will probably lose his federal employment. He keeps saying that it will not happen, but I don't think he can deny it more. The same thing about our neighbors, they are clearly ashamed. You are ashamed.”


    9.“My parents are starting to take a distance as if their support and vote have not brought us where we are, fun. But they will still defend him if they are pushed enough.”

    “Some remarkable quotes:” I don't care, I don't run the White House. I just vote. ” 'None of what is going on influences my life.


    10.“My mother simply denies that she has now voted for Trump. During the election season she continued to call the camel of Kamala Harris.” She also complained about everything the Democrats did while praising the Republicans.

    Person grins in an office environment with blinds behind them. Text at the bottom, reads, "It wasn't me."


    11.“My parents-in-law and many former friends have already denied that they voted for Trump and have taken many of their social media posts before the elections. I will not forget if someone else forgets. I will call them for the rest of their lives. I will not let their grandchildren forget who and what they voted for and the direction of our nation.”


    12.And finally, “My almost 90-year-old stepfather was a conservative Republican in a house full of liberal women for about 80 years. As soon as Trump announced that he ran and made his plans for the next four years, my stepfather became an independent, voices for Democrats Lol.”

    Woman in a slender outfit gestures with hands; Text reads, "I'm gone here."


    If your parents voted for Trump in the 2024 elections, but now regret that he is in office, we want to hear about it. Share your answer below or fill in this Google form to remain anonymous. Your response can be characterized in a coming post.

    Reactions are processed for length/clarity.