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North -gay high principal to resign immediately

    The director of North Eugene High is officially only two and a half weeks after his resignation was made public.

    Hoofd Nain Muñoz sent the Noord community on Wednesday afternoon and communicated his intention to step away as the administrative lead of the school, immediately in force. Originally Muñoz had planned to complete the 2024-25 school year.

    “This has been an emotional process and I believe this is the right course for our school,” said Muñoz in the E -mail. “This decision gives our employees the best possible opportunity to start fresh and have enough time to find new leadership for the next school year. For myself, I would like to concentrate on my family before my next large professional company.”

    Muñoz submitted his resignation on November 13, but it was not publicly announced until January 10. When the North Community heard that he was leaving, they gathered around Muñoz and Drongen on both he and Eugene School District 4j to reconsider. Muñoz sent an e -mail on January 17 and stated that he intended to reverse the resignation, but 4j confirmed it.

    After a whirlwind month for NEHS, Muñoz officially left his role.

    Muñoz told the Register-Guard that his time at NEHS would forever include some of his favorite experiences as director. He expressed his gratitude to the entire north community and said it was an honor to be in the role.

    North Eugene High School -director Nain Muñoz introduces dignitaries on stage during graduation on 8 June 2024.

    North Eugene High School -director Nain Muñoz introduces dignitaries on stage during graduation on 8 June 2024.

    “The whole staff is unparalleled, I have never been close to a group of professionals who care about students and give so much to students,” said Muñoz. “I will also miss the Highlander -students. I never considered one of those days as their director as a matter of course. I loved every minute and will miss many.”

    4J Assistant -Superintents Larry Williams and Brooke Wagner sent a release to members of the community who confirmed the Muñoz exit on Wednesday afternoon and give updates about who will take over the leadership of NEHS in the meantime.

    The district stated that 4J director of secondary education will temporarily serve Greg guarantor as an interim director, awaiting the installation of the district of an interim director in the longer term during the rest of the school year. Nehs Assistant Administrators Jesús Sandoval, Steven Humble and Peter Barsotti remain in staff.

    “We know that this was a difficult process for everyone, including director Muñoz and the North Eugene community,” said Williams and Wagner. “We were not prepared for his first resignation and we expected that we would start recruiting with him still in the north of the end of the year. We want to acknowledge that these situations are painful to many connected to the community of north- Eugene have been a combination of difficulties that could not be solved.

    Nain Muñoz on his first day as director at North Eugene High School, at the opening of the 2023 school year.

    Nain Muñoz on his first day as director at North Eugene High School, at the opening of the 2023 school year.

    Williams and Wagner thanked Muñoz for his time at NEHS, who started in the fall of 2023.

    When his resignation was initially announced, 4J leaders expressed their intention to organize “opportunities” for parents and guardians to give input about the qualities they would like to see in the next director of NEHS.

    “We love and respect the entire north community and want nothing more than to have a great leader who will concentrate on all the great things North Eugene High School,” said Williams and Wagner. “We will work closely with the North Community if we are looking for the right person to set an example of Highlander Pride.”

    Miranda CIRR reports on education for the Guard Register. You can contact her via [email protected] or find her on Twitter @MirandabCyr.

    This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Nain Muñoz leaves North Eugene High: 4j Namur interim leadership