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Mott’s vs. Welch’s fruit snacks

    If you’re a fan of fruit snacks, you might be wondering if Mott’s or Welch’s are a better choice. This is a common comparison as these two brands sell many similar products to their customers.

    Because of this, these two brands are often compared when customers try to find the best fruit snack option. Mainly because there are so many different types of fruit snacks in the grocery store that it’s difficult to make a decision.

    While the options are great in theory, they can make shopping a whole lot more difficult if you don’t know which brand to trust. Especially when it comes to Mott’s and Welsh, two very well known and trusted brands.

    Read on to find out whether Mott’s or Welch’s fruit snacks are better options and what makes them different.

    Fruit snacks: Mott’s vs. Welch’s

    If you love fruit snacks, you might be wondering about the comparisons between Mott’s and Welch’s gummies. These two brands are very similar, but many customers gravitate toward Welch’s fruit snacks for flavor and texture.

    These are two competing brands that sell a variety of similar products. Including various fruit snacks with the perfect gummy and fruity texture and taste that so many people enjoy

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    While Welch’s ranks as the most popular fruit snack option, Mott’s is not far behind. Both are very similar and offer options that the majority of customers would like to use in either case.

    So both options are still great if you can’t get fruit snacks from Welch’s or vice versa. Both options have different qualities that will appeal to different types of customers depending on your preferences.

    Some people may prefer chewy or sweeter fruit snacks. Or they prefer certain flavors or fruit snacks with different ingredients.


    When comparing Mott’s and Welch’s fruit snacks, most people agree that Mott’s fruit snacks are chewy. They require more chewing and get stuck in your teeth more often than Welch’s fruit snacks.

    Mott’s packs of fruit snacks are also a bit cheaper than those from Wels. It weighs in at 0.8 ounces, while Welch’s weigh 0.9 ounces per pack.

    From a nutritional perspective, Mott’s fruit snacks contain more vitamin C than Welch’s fruit snacks. This makes them a better source of this important vitamin, which could make a difference, especially for children who eat them.


    Welch’s fruit snacks are very soft and gummy, making them the perfect fruit snack that’s chewy but doesn’t stick to your teeth. Unlike Mott’s fruit snacks which are much firmer and tend to stick to teeth making it difficult to chew.

    Many customers appreciate the detail of Welch’s fruit snacks, as each individual shape is very well defined. This sets them apart from Mott’s fruit snacks, which don’t have as much detail per jelly bean.

    Many customers who have tried Welch’s fruit snacks have also commented on how cute they are. These fruit snacks have a much more candy-like flavor than Mott’s fruit snacks, making them feel more like a treat for both adults and children.

    Are Mott’s or Welch’s fruit snacks healthier?

    If you’re looking for the healthier fruit snack option between Mott’s and Welch’s, that distinction is hard to make. Since both types of fruit snacks have very similar nutritional values ​​and ingredients.

    However, it’s important to note that Welch’s contains more real fruit puree, while Mott’s contains more high fructose corn syrup. That makes Welch’s a fruit snack of choice for those trying to cut back on that harmful added sweetener.

    Both fruit snacks contain corn syrup, although not in the same amount. However, both fruit snacks are not considered particularly healthy because both are very sugary.

    Welch’s contains two grams more sugar than Mott’s fruit snacks, but also contains a gram of protein that Mott’s doesn’t have. It also contains 10 milligrams less sodium than Mott’s fruit snacks.

    These are all things to consider when deciding between Mott’s and Welch’s fruit snacks. Neither is considered a healthy option as both are very similar in terms of ingredients and nutritional information.

    However, they’re also great for enjoying as a special treat every now and then when you want something sweet that isn’t necessarily sweet.

    Final Thoughts

    When comparing Mott’s and Welch’s fruit snacks, most customers agree that Welch’s fruit snacks are the preferred option. They are softer and more Gambian, making them more comfortable to chew without settling on your teeth afterwards.

    Also, more fruit puree is added to them, which may be why they have more of a candy-like flavor. Although both Mott’s and Welch’s fruit snacks are very popular options and the majority of customers would like to try both.