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Jimmy Kimmel taunts Donald Trump Jr. about a desperate new message to his father

    Jimmy Kimmel said those around Donald Trump are desperately trying to divert attention from his long and growing list of legal problems.

    One of the ex-president’s sons, Donald Trump Jr., released a video where he pulled out a clip in which his father caught a Sharpie marker being thrown on stage so he could sign autographs.

    ‘Passed, with one hand. Crush it,” Trump Jr. said. in the video, which appears to have been shot in the middle of a field.

    “The only thing Joe Biden can catch is COVID. Good hands, Dad. Proud of you. Keep it up,” Trump Jr. added. up.

    Kimmel couldn’t help but laugh at the clip.

    ‘Also, Dad, if you could come and get me? I’ve been in this field for two weeks now and I don’t know how to get home,” he joked.

    Kimmel has also gone through some of the wildest claims about the former president in a new book.

    Watch it in his Tuesday monologue:

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.