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'I started Semaglutide at age 52 after struggling with my weight during perimenopause

    I always had a huge appetite and for most of my life I could eat whatever I wanted. I never worried about my size, assuming I had a fast metabolism to thank. But when I turned 45 and… perimenopause knocked on my door, I started gaining weight steadily every year. Then I gained almost 20 pounds during the pandemic.

    Food is my love language and I have always been a big overeater. And as a mother, wife, and business owner, food has always been my comfort and what brings my family together. Portion size was not on my radar. I ate three servings of pasta for dinner and didn't even bat an eyelash. It honestly felt like my brain never signaled that I was full or told me to stop eating. Besides, I've never been a big athlete. I tried it yoga, Pilates, runand even bought one Platoonbut I always get burned out and have trouble staying motivated. Instead, daily walks with my dog ​​are my favorite activity.

    To put things into perspective, I'm about 5'10″ and at my heaviest I weighed 180 pounds. For some this is not that big, but personally it was harder than when I was pregnant with my daughter. I've always been naturally curvy, but now I had noticeable weight in my stomach, face and arms. My calves were also bigger than ever because I could no longer put on some of my favorite boots.

    Aesthetics aside, I was constantly out of breath and chronically tired. My doctor also expressed concern about my weight and high cholesterol. I was discouraged and the weight just kept coming. I just didn't feel like myself.

    I started researching weight loss medications and considering my options.

    Over the past year I've seen countless advertisements for weight loss medications on social media and heard success stories through friends. I was intrigued, so I started researching medical weight loss medications and considering my options. I wanted each medication to be effective and safe, but I also had to remain financially practical since most options are not covered by my insurance.

    One day I saw an Instagram post for a new medical weight loss clinic near me. The monthly price was within my budget, and I knew the charge nurse so I felt comfortable with the process and trusted her expertise. I immediately registered and made an appointment.

    a woman holding a baga woman holding a bag

    Pilar before starting semaglutidePilar DeMann

    After a physical exam, blood work, and an in-depth medical history, my nurse and I decided in late April 2023 that I would start on 0.25 milligrams of the generic version of semaglutidethe active ingredient of Ozempic and Wegovy. (FYI: Wegovy is FDA-approved for long-term weight management, while Ozempic is FDA-approved to treat type 2 diabetes but is often prescribed off-label for medical weight loss.)

    My doctor discussed the possible risks and side effects such as nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, and even pancreatitis, but explained that it would be best to start with a low dose of semaglutide to keep the side effects at bay and see how my body responded.

    The weekly medication is administered by injectionbut the first dose was easy and painless.

    I experienced some side effects, but my body adapted quickly.

    Side effects are common when taking semaglutide, and for the first few weeks I suffered from headaches. Fortunately, they were tolerable and easy to manage with Advil.

    I also immediately noticed that I had no desire to eat. I wasn't hungry and nothing sounded good. The only food I occasionally craved was cottage cheese, but after a few bites I was full.

    Mentally this was a bit weird for me. I have always loved food and take pride in cooking three meals a day for my family. When I'm not cooking, I'm planning meals. Now I could barely think about food without feeling a little nauseous.

    After about three weeks my dosage was increased to 0.5 mg and I quickly started experiencing more side effects. I would often feel nauseous and get severe heartburn if I ate something when I wasn't hungry. One afternoon I shared a chocolate chip cookie with my daughter and after a single bite I got such heartburn that I lay in bed for the rest of the day.

    The result was that I became extremely aware of what I put in my mouth. Instead of snacking and mindlessly eating when I wasn't hungry, food became fuel. I prioritized moderate portions of fresh, whole foods (besides cottage cheese, I sometimes craved meat) and ate to nourish my body.

    a person sitting at a tablea person sitting at a table

    Pilar prepares dinner for her familyPilar DeMann

    I also started drinking significantly less. Before I started losing weight, I drank wine every day. Now my craving for alcohol has completely disappeared and to be honest I almost always prefer water.

    I started working out with a personal trainer and realized how strong I was.

    As mentioned, fitness has never been my problem. I know, though the importance of exerciseespecially at my age. My nurse practitioner continues to tell me that lifestyle changes are extremely important while taking semaglutide, and that weekly exercise is a must to maximize the effects of the medication. So I signed up for personal training at my local gym because they offered 30-minute sessions. I told myself I can do anything for 30 minutes and committed to two workouts a week.

    I never knew (or thought) I was strong, but after a few workoutsI feel stronger and more confident than ever. Previously, I lacked discipline and could never stick to regular exercise on my own, but finding a trainer that I like and connect with is huge. My personal trainer, Lyndsay, is the motivation and extra push I need. She holds me accountable.

    a person who lifts weightsa person who lifts weights

    Pillar weight liftingPilar DeMann

    I still love walking my dog, but I'm also learning new ways of exercising that make my body and mind feel good. So far I'm really enjoying the process and just signed up for another month.

    I continued to increase my dosage until I reached my goal weight.

    In addition to a healthy diet and weekly exercise, I continued to increase my semaglutide dose every few weeks, under the guidance of my medical provider. At my peak I was taking 1.5 mg per week and at the end of August I officially reached my goal weight. I had lost 30 kilos.

    a woman in a dressa woman in a dress

    Pilar after hitting her targetPilar DeMann

    Today I weigh about 147 pounds and I feel like myself. My face and waist are slimmer, I can exercise without gasping for air, I'm stronger and my boots fit me! Apart from some lingering nausea and loss of appetite, my other side effects also disappeared and I feel very good.

    The goal is to eventually get off semaglutide, so my nurse recently reduced my dosage as I was getting into more of a maintenance mode. I am now taking 1.0mg every two weeks and the plan is to slowly reduce the dose as I taper off. I'm a little nervous about weight gain, but I'm definitely more aware and grateful for my lifestyle changes. I will continue to exercise, limit alcohol and focus on portion control and a balanced diet.

    Semaglutide has changed the way I nourish my body, and I have never felt better.

    Personally, I believe this medicine is a miracle. I am so grateful that I had access to semaglutide, and I feel fortunate that my body has adapted. I feel like myself again and couldn't be happier.

    Aside from the weight loss, semaglutide has taught me to be mindful of the way I fuel and treat my body. After years of dieting and trying every weight loss hack in the world, semaglutide gave me the chance to lose weight without feeling restricted.

    Instead of giving up my love of food to lose weight, semaglutide changed my way of thinking. I'm learning that it's okay (and healthy!) to eat my favorite meals and that weight loss shouldn't be a punishment. By prioritizing unprocessed foods, taking portion size into account, consuming less alcohol and learning to embrace fitnessmy weight loss journey was a complete success.

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