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How to Make Takis Less Spicy? Dairy, Sweeteners, Acidity

    If you enjoy eating Takis, you may be wondering how to make Takis less spicy so that you can enjoy them more. This is a commonly asked question, as people may enjoy this type of snack but struggle to handle the level of heat that they provide.

    Though these snacks are delicious, they are very spicy, as Takis are known for pushing the boundaries when it comes to heat. People who do not have a high heat tolerance may struggle to enjoy the snacks even though they are delicious.

    That is why some people may want to find ways to make these less spicy so that they are more enjoyable. And the good news is that this is very possible as long as you know the tricks to make food less spicy.

    Keep reading to find out how to make Takis less spicy and just how spicy these snacks really are in comparison to other spicy foods.

    Making Takis Less Spicy

    If you enjoy eating Takis, you may be wondering how to make Takis less spicy so that you can enjoy them more. This is a type of snack food that falls into the category of chips that is extremely spicy, though you can make it less spicy with certain ingredients.

    Ingredients like dairy or acidic ingredients are great ways to take down the heat of Takis. Though this is a snack food that is known for being very spicy, not everyone handles spice the same way.

    You may enjoy these snacks, but your heat tolerance may not be ideal for the level of heat that these provide. Takis are known for their delicious flavor, but they are also very spicy, no matter what flavor you get.

    TakTakis Fuego Hot Chili Pepper

    Because of this, you may be wondering how you can make Takis less spicy so that you can still enjoy them. As these are very spicy snacks that can be quite uncomfortable to eat over time if you don’t have a good heat tolerance.

    They are one of the more spicy snack food options that you will find, so this is no joke when it comes to how spicy they are. Even true spice lovers can struggle to enjoy Takis depending on the flavor that they choose.


    Dairy is a great way to tame a very spicy foods so that you can still enjoy them. Dairy is a cooling and creamy type of food that helps to mask some of the more unpleasant aspects of spicy foods.

    You can use dairy to cool down Takis, so that you can still enjoy these zesty snacks. One common way to do that is to have a glass of milk nearby to help wash down some of that spice.

    Milk is much more effective at doing this than water is and can help you to enjoy the snack more often. Or you could try adding dairy directly to the Takis to cool them down directly.

    Many people do this by adding cheese to the snack to help mask some of the spiciness. This is not as effective as milk, but there are not many other ways that you can add dairy to Takis.


    Along with dairy, acidity is another kind of ingredient that is very useful for cutting through heat. Acid is often used to help reduce the spiciness of very spicy foods so that you can still enjoy them.

    You can use acidity to do this for Takis by using lemons or limes and squeezing them over these snacks. You will need to make sure that you eat them immediately so that the Takis do not absorb the juice and become soggy.

    Not only does lime or lemon juice help to cut through some of that spice, they complement the flavor of most Takis. This is because citrus juice is a common ingredient in spicy food and often enhances it without enhancing the spiciness itself.

    This can be a great tip to use to cut through some of that spice so that you can enjoy a bowl of Takis in peace. Though you will need to make sure that you only add lemon or lime juice to the amount that you are going to be eating in that sitting.


    Sweeteners can also be used to cut through the heat of spicy foods, including these spicy snacks. Sugar helps to cut through the heat and reduce the spiciness so that you can enjoy your snacks.

    This can be difficult to use when it comes to Takis as you cannot necessarily sprinkle granulated sugar over them. This is not going to be effective and can be quite unappetizing as well.

    One way you can do this is to add a drizzle of sugar syrup or honey over your Takis before you eat them. If you do this, you will need to make sure to only do this over the amount you want to eat when you want to eat them.

    You will need to make sure that you do not add too much, or they will become very sticky and overly sweet.

    Making Takis Less Spicy

    Dipping Sauce

    One really useful way that you can help to tame the heat of Takis is by using dipping sauce. This can be a little bit difficult since the snacks are small, but it is a great way to help with the heat.

    The best dipping sauces to choose from are ones that are naturally cooling as this will help with the heat. Cheesy sauces and dairy sauces, like ranch, are going to be your best options.

    These are also flavors that complement Takis and can create a really delicious snack that is not going to be overwhelmingly hot. Avoid using any kind of dipping sauce that is hot on its own, as this is only going to make it worse.

    Nut Butter

    Another option that many people may not consider is nut butter. All kinds of nut butter are considered to be very good at extinguishing excessive heat in spicy foods.

    This does not necessarily mean that you have to dip your Takis in peanut butter, which would not taste very good. There are other kinds of nut butter that have a much more mild flavor that will not ruin the flavor of your Takis.

    Different types of nut butter, such as cashew butter, almond butter, and sesame seed butter, are all great options. These have a much more mild flavor and are not going to overtake your Takis as peanut butter would.

    They will help to cool down the heat so that you can enjoy your talkies without burning your tongue or having a runny nose.