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How pet parrots started a war in an apartment building in NYC

    Instead, the Rutherford leaned heavily on Charlotte Kullen. Her six -hour deposition, taken in September 2022, is difficult to read, partly because it catches her need and partly because that suffering is legally spoken next to the point. The judge who supervised the case indicated that she wanted a mediator to help the parties get a scheme, and on August 16, 2024 the American attorney for the southern district of New York gave a press release with the result.

    De Rutherford should pay Mrs. Lesser a total of $ 750,000 – $ 585,000 for the shares in her apartment plus $ 165,000 damage. The release described the settlement as the largest ever obtained “for a person with a disability whose home provider denied them their rights to have an auxiliary animal.”

    Reporters and TV cameras camped shortly outside the Rutherford. Most residents knew little or nothing about the case, so in October the board finally explained everything on a zoom call. Residents in turn asked questions and tried to understand the scale of the damage. In addition to the settlement, more than $ 400,000 were spent on legal costs, half that fall through the building, half of the insurer of the building.

    “With all due respect,” said a resident, Andrew Garn, “I see a culture of lawsuits.”

    Mr Troy, the chairman of the board, did not return any e -mail requests for comments.

    The Rutherford is a cooperative, which means that buyers agree with a long series of articles of association that are meant to elevate the quality of life. This grants on co -op boards that causes power and in many cases the president has surpassed the power of the administration. Mr. Shmulewitz, the real estate lawyer, said that he had encountered many co-trainers who were just as emphasized as every medieval monarch.