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How Many Onions in a Pound?There Are Two Onions in a Pound

    If you are trying to weigh out the produce that you are buying, you may be wondering how many onions are in a pound. This is a commonly asked question as people have a hard time knowing how much produce is going to create a full pound.

    Onions are a type of produce that the majority of people buy when they go to the grocery store. And like all other kinds of produce, onions are priced per the pound that you buy, making it hard to know how much you are spending on your onions.

    You can figure out how much you are spending on onions by figuring out how many onions are in a pound. So if you need five onions, you probably want to know how many pounds five onions are going to come to figure out the price.

    Once you understand how many onions are in a pound, this makes your grocery budget will be much easier. Keep reading to find out how many onions are in a pound and how this can vary depending on the onions you buy.

    There Are Two Onions in a Pound

    If you are weighing out onions, you may be wondering how many onions make a pound. The simple answer to this is that two medium to large onions typically make up 1 pound, though this is going to vary a bit depending on the size of the onions.

    It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly how much any kind of produce weighs because it depends on the size of the produce. There are no two onions that are going to be exactly the same size and the same weight, resulting in the exact same combined weight.


    Though it is generally believed that two medium to large size onions will make up a round a pound. If you are weighing out small onions, you may need 4 to 5 onions in total to create a full pound.

    You should keep this in mind when you are choosing onions to weigh and buy, as there are many different sizes to choose from. Some onions are very small, while summer onions tend to be quite larger than the rest.

    If you want a more even wait, you should try to pick out onions that are around the same size for a more accurate weight.

    Two Pounds

    If you want to buy 2 pounds of onions, you could simply buy four medium to large-sized onions to make this amount. So you could probably get 5 to 7 smaller onions for 2 pounds altogether.

    While three very large onions would most likely come to 2 pounds or slightly under.

    Five Pounds

    If you want to buy 5 pounds of onions and you are going for medium to large onions, you can get about 10 medium-sized onions. Or about five or six very large onions could come to 5 pounds.

    You may also have better luck finding bags of onions that have already been weighed and have the weight stated on the front. If you are looking to buy several pounds of onions this is most likely the best option that will provide the most accurate price range.

    Chopped onion and knife

    Ten Pounds

    If you want to buy about 20 medium-sized onions, this will most likely come to about 10 pounds roughly. Though you will want to try to find the same size of onions in order to get the right amount of pounds.

    Some grocery stores may offer 5 to 10-pound bags that make this much easier to choose from.

    How Many Pounds Are Chopped Onions?

    If you are looking at pounds of onions, but the onions are not whole, this can be a little bit more difficult. Though a rough estimate would be 2 to 3 cups of roughly chopped onions would make up one entire pound.

    These measurements can be slightly different from whole onions as the onions are going to wait a little bit differently once they are chopped. Though the same quantity will apply for the most part.

    One medium to large-sized onion will typically make up one cup of roughly chopped onions. If you are choosing smaller onions, you will most likely need 2 to 3 small onions to make up one cup of chopped onions.

    Different Types of Onions Still Weigh the Same

    Now that you know how many onions make a pound, you may be wondering if the type of onion matters. Some people may think that different kinds of onions are going to weigh differently, resulting in a different amount of money per pound.

    The reality is that different kinds of onions do not weigh differently, as they are still an onion. They are not going to have different densities as there are very few differences between the different kinds of onions available in grocery stores.

    Chopping Onion

    When it comes to the weight of onions, it is not the type of onion that matters but rather the size of the onion that you choose. The different kinds of onions are going to weigh the same if you pick out the same size.

    So two medium to large-sized white onions are going to weigh the same amount as two medium-to-large red onions. It just depends on picking out a similar size, as both kinds of onion are going to weigh the same amount.

    This is something to keep in mind if you want to buy different kinds of onions. Though it is important to remember that some onions are more expensive than others depending on the grocery store, so you may be paying more per pound.

    Final Thoughts

    If you want to buy a single pound of onions, you should pick out two medium to large-sized onions to do this. This is not an exact science as onions are of various sizes, resulting in different kinds of weights.

    If you want to get an accurate estimate of how many pounds your onions weigh, you need to pick out onions that are very similar in size. So if you want to get many onions for 1 pound, you should choose several small onions of the same size.