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How an LAPD Officer Helped Les Moonves Fight a Sexual Assault Charge

    Two years later, she said she was in his office when Mr. Moonves apologized to get a glass of wine. When he came back, his pants were down. She ran out of the room.

    The next day he scolded her and threw her against a wall. She fell to the ground and couldn’t get up. She lay there crying.

    That was the story she told the police. She requested confidential treatment, but her complaint did not remain confidential for long.

    The desk clerks working that night had no idea who Mr. Moonves was. But according to one person directly familiar with the handling of the complaint, a senior watch commander recognized Mr Moonves’ name and alerted Cory Palka, an experienced police captain to the police station, because there was a reporting protocol regarding celebrities.

    Mr. Palka worked as a security officer for CBS and worked for the network on the Grammy Awards show from 2008 to 2014. He knew and liked Mr. moonves. Not long after Ms. Golden-Gottlieb’s visit to the police station, Mr. Palka called Ian Metrose, the chief of special events for CBS, and left a message.

    “Hey, Ian, it’s Cory Palka,” he said in the message, which was included in the attorney general’s report. “I know we haven’t spoken in a while. I’m a captain at LAPD Hollywood. About a few hours ago, someone walked into the station and made accusations against your boss about assault. It’s confidential, as you know, but give me a call, and I can give you some details and let you know what the allegation is before it goes to the media or gets out. So, well, talk to you in a little while. Bye.”

    Mr. Metrose immediately alerted his boss, Mr. Schwartz, who recalled in a later interview that he was shocked. Reports from various media outlets, including The Washington Post and The New York Times, had called him about rumors of possible charges against Mr Moonves. But Mr Moonves had previously assured Mr Schwartz that CBS had nothing to worry about.