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Hillary Clinton warns Democrats that progress is not guaranteed as Harris seeks to break glass ceiling she missed in 2024

    Hillary Clinton electrified the crowd on the first night of the Democratic National Convention on Monday, urging her party not to give up on its goal of breaking one of America's last glass ceilings: electing a woman president.

    The party's 2016 nominee was greeted with a standing ovation and one of the loudest cheers of the night when she took the stage. In her speech, she referenced trailblazing female politicians Geraldine Ferraro and Shirley Chisholm, as well as Harris' mother — and her own mother, both of whom Clinton said she wished could have seen the moment.

    Accepting the Democratic nomination on the DNC stage in 2020 was called by him the “greatest honor of [her] “Life,” the former secretary of state went on to celebrate her performance in that year's election as a sign of progress in American history, even given her defeat by Donald Trump.

    “Nearly 66 million Americans voted for a future where there is no ceiling on our dreams,” Clinton told the cheering crowd, adding: “Together, we have cracked many of the highest, hardest glass ceilings.”

    “The story of my life and the history of our country is that progress is possible. But not guaranteed,” the former party standard-bearer declared. “We must fight for it. And never, never give up.”

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