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Has Subway Sweet Onion Sauce Been Discontinued? Updated 2022

    If you’ve noticed that Subway’s sweet onion sauce is no longer available, you might be wondering if it’s been discontinued. This is a common question as more and more customers have noticed the absence of this sauce.

    Recently, Subway has started removing quite a few items from its menu. Many of these are perennial favorites that customers have always depended on being able to order.

    Unfortunately, this is not very uncommon for fast food restaurants. Many have begun removing old menu items in recent years while reinvigorating their menus and offerings.

    Customers have begun to see that even the most popular menu items are disappearing as fast-food restaurants get a facelift. Read on to find out whether or not Subway’s sweet onion sauce has been discontinued, and if so, why.

    Has Subway Discontinued Its Sweet Onion Sauce?

    If you’re a Subway fan and eat at this fast food restaurant often, you might be wondering if the sweet onion sauce is going to be discontinued. Unfortunately for customers, Subway has ceased production sweet onion sauce from all menus.

    All Subway locations have started removing the sweet onion sauce from their menus. This came as a huge shock to longtime customers who have often opted for this sauce option.

    The plan is that all subway locations will remove the sweet onion sauce from their menu. Although there are still some places that have yet to do this as the sauce is still available.

    This decision came quite suddenly and was not received very positively by customers. The sweet onion sauce was a classic sauce option at this sandwich shop and remains very popular.

    Because of this, customers are shocked that Subway would make such a drastic decision about the menu. Especially since the sweet onion sauce is one of the more commonly ordered sauce options at these places.

    Unfortunately, this has been just one of many disappointments for Subway fans lately. The sandwich shop appears to be removing many items from its menu that customers have always depended on ordering.

    Is There a Subway Subway Substitute for Sweet Onion Sauce?

    Now that you know Subway’s sweet onion sauce has been discontinued, you might be wondering if there’s a replacement. Many customers have wondered about this as they are craving that ancient and familiar taste.

    Subway replaced the sweet onion sauce with a sweet onion teriyaki sauce and all of their locations. This is sort of a combination of the sweet onion sauce and teriyaki sauce that Subway offers with their sandwiches.

    However, many customers were not satisfied with this substitute because it has a completely different taste. Many say it still tastes great, but that sweet onion sauce is very different from sweet onion teriyaki sauce.

    Teriyaki is quite a strong flavor and will significantly transform the typical sweet onion sauce. Because of this, you may not be able to eat this sauce with your favorite sandwiches like you used to.

    In addition to dropping the sweet onion sauce from its menu, Subway made a few other changes as well. This is just one of the recent changes Subway has made to its menu that has angered customers.

    Subway also recently removed the honey oat bread and chipotle sauce. Ultimately, the chipotle sauce is replaced with another option, just like the sweet onion sauce.

    It also gradually added different sandwich options from the typical selection that was on offer. While some customers are happy with these changes, it seems the majority are not.

    Many Subway customers have been going to Subway for years and are disappointed with the recent changes. There’s no way of knowing why Subway is making these decisions specifically, although there are a few reasons behind these changes:

    • Stimulate sales
    • Remove old items
    • Create more efficiency

    Subway, along with many other fast-food restaurants, is attempting to revive sales by revamping its menu. It may also try to create more efficiencies by removing unordered items as frequently as others.

    Has Subway Discontinued Sweet Onion Sauce?

    If you’ve noticed that the sweet onion sauce isn’t on Subway’s menu, that’s because Subway has discontinued the sauce option. The sweet onion sauce was replaced with a sweet onion teriyaki sauce instead.

    This came as quite a surprise to many customers as the sweet onion sauce was a popular option. And many have not been impressed with the teriyaki alternative that Subway has offered.

    This is just one of many changes Subway has made to its menu, which has created a rift among its customers.