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Has KFC discontinued its Hot Wings? What happened in 2022?

    If you enjoyed ordering the KFC Hot Wings, you may be wondering if this menu item has been discontinued. This has been a common question as customers struggle to find the Hot Wings at their local KFC.

    This is something many customers fear, given that restaurants have the ability to remove menu items without notice. This can be very annoying for customers as their favorite menu items can be removed at any time.

    In recent years this seems to have become more common as more restaurants redesign their menus. This has resulted in many happy customers as menu items disappear.

    Because of this, many KFC customers are concerned about the absence of the hot wings from the menu. Read on to find out whether or not the Hot Wings have been discontinued at KFC, and if so, why.

    Will the KFC Hot Wings be discontinued?

    There is unfortunate news for customers who enjoyed the KFC Hot Wings as they have been discontinued. This was a fairly recent decision that came as a shock to many customers who frequently ordered this menu item from KFC.

    KFC recently discontinued its Hot Wings as it struggled to sell them, even though many people liked them. For the most part, KFC has always been known for its fried chicken options, which remain popular to this day.

    Although KFC has gradually added many other options to its menu, none of them typically compare to its fried chicken. This is probably why KFC tends to discontinue menu items frequently without notice.

    The Hot Wings is just a menu item that was discontinued by KFC without notifying customers. There was also no explanation from KFC as to why this decision was ultimately made.

    This has greatly upset customers who really enjoy the Hot Wings at KFC. This was a menu item that stood out from the other protein options and resulted in some sales.

    Items that are discontinued are never well received by customers, especially if they don’t receive notification of the change. Customers often order their favorite dish only to find that it is no longer available on the menu.

    Why was the KFC Hot Wings discontinued?

    As KFC has never made an official statement about removing the Hot Wings, it is unknown why this decision was made. Although there has been some speculation on the internet.

    Some KFC employees have said that the Hot Wings didn’t sell very well, although several people liked them. KFC is best known for its fried chicken, and this is their best-selling menu item.

    The hot wings were good but often went unpurchased at the end of the day and ended up throwing away. This resulted in quite a waste which the KFC fast food restaurants didn’t want to keep doing.

    And the Hot Wings that customers bought often sat around for hours because no one was buying them. Because of this, KFC most likely decided that this menu item wasn’t worth the effort it put into creating.

    Despite the fact that there were plenty of customers enjoying the hot wings, there just wasn’t enough of them. You may like a menu item very much, but there must be many other customers who also like it and will buy it.

    Otherwise, this restaurant will actually lose money by making this menu item available to customers.

    Has KFC Discontinued Potato Wedges?

    The Hot Wings at KFC aren’t the only thing customers have been complaining about lately. As KFC has also removed many other menu items that have been popular for quite some time.

    This has caused quite a bit of frustration from KFC customers, who say their favorite menu items are suddenly gone. Though KFC hasn’t touched on most of its classic menu items that have been around for years.

    One big change, however, was the removal of the potato wedges that had been on the menu for so long. This came as a huge shock to customers as this was a menu item they never thought would leave.

    The potato wedges were removed from the menu to make way for the classic fries that KFC offered. This change was not well received by most customers, as many prefer the potato wedges much more.

    This is another item that was removed by KFC without any explanation other than changing the menu. The potato wedges have since been removed, as well as many other items, such as:

    • hot wings
    • popcorn chicken
    • Beyond chicken
    • zinger
    • topped Apple pie

    Has the KFC Hot Wings been discontinued?

    If you were a fan of the Hot Wings at KFC, the unfortunate news is that this menu item has been discontinued. This is a change that KFC has made relatively recently as it keeps changing its menu.

    The Hot Wings is just the latest menu item to leave as many other changes have been made to the menu. Including the drastic switch to removing the potato wedges, which caused a stir among customers.

    KFC also removed other menu items like the zinger, apple turnover, and popcorn chicken. Seems like it’s changing its menu and trying to offer new options to its customers.