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Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Trial Makes ‘Bailiff’ Roy Wood Jr. wants to ‘blacken again’

    “The Daily Show” correspondent Roy Wood Jr. took on as bailiff overseeing actor Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski collision trial and succeeded. (Watch the video below.)

    The piece split actual scenes from the civil trial — in which the Oscar winner is accused of colliding with a man on a Park City, Utah ramp, causing permanent injuries — and Wood in a bailiff’s uniform as if he were in charge.

    Wood reminds himself that he is in “white man’s court” – “let me straighten my back.” He tries to remain neutral as Paltrow answers a lawyer’s questions about her “expensive vacation,” the loss of half a day of skiing as a result of the accident, and “lunch and massage.”

    “Celebrities need their own justice system instead of wasting my time,” Wood’s bailiff complained. “I had a murder-suicide at 2 p.m. Come on, hurry up.”

    But his annoyance only increases.

    “This is the whitest shit I’ve ever heard,” he says. “I have to watch all the ‘Madea’ movies and remake Black myself.”
