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Fox News will not hear live Thursday January 6th

    Wall-to-wall cable news and network coverage from Thursday’s Jan. 6 prime-time commission hearing will show another notable loophole: Fox News.

    Fox will not be conducting the hearing live, instead reserving what are typically the highest-rated hours for his usual programming of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. Its sister network, Fox Business, will follow the hearing live from 8 p.m., the company said in a statement.

    Viewers of Fox News, the nation’s most-watched cable news network, will likely have to wait until midnight for a lengthy discussion of the evening’s events. Anchor Shannon Bream will be devoting her evening show to the subject at that time.

    The committee’s other prime-time hearing last month was also not broadcast live by Fox News. The network also aired its usual prime-time lineup at the time. mr. Carlson explained to his audience, as he has done many times before, that he would not give in to the commission’s “lying.” Mr Hannity dismissed the hearing as a “sham.”

    Fox News has broadcast the hearings that took place during the day, when millions of viewers are watching less. But those days were hardly big for the network. It was overshadowed in the ratings by CNN and MSNBC, something that rarely happens.