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Fox News host admits he got a younger co-worker to date him

    Fox News host Jesse Watters’ concept of romance is eerie to many people.

    Last Monday, Watters told his co-hosts on “The Five” how he managed to win over his wife, Emma, ​​who was at the time a younger producer working on his show by sabotaging her car.

    “When I tried to get Emma to go out with me, the first thing I did was let the air out of her tires,” Watters said. “She had nowhere to go. She needed a lift, I said, ‘Do you need a lift?’ She immediately jumped into the car.”

    Watters’ co-hosts were shocked.

    “You’re actually the Zodiac Killer,” exclaimed Greg Gutfeld.

    “It has a happy ending,” Watters said, referring to him marrying her in 2020 (even though he was married when they first met).

    Jeannine Pirro had one big question: “Is that the first time you did it, or have you used that before?”

    Watters said sheepishly, “It works like clockwork.”

    Below you can see the fragment.

    Many Twitter users didn’t find Watters’ method of coercion or manipulation as romantic as he did.

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.