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FBI agent who has criticized the agency that has been arrested for accusation of sharing confidential information

    NEW YORK (AP) – An FBI agent who previously criticized the agency was arrested this week on accusation of the illegal revealing of classified information, according to the court reports submitted on Tuesday.

    Johnathan Buma, who has been working for the FBI for 15 years, would have printed copies of confidential FBI documents and messages and later shared the material with employees as part of a design of a book that he wrote in the desk in his time.

    He was arrested on Monday at a departure gate at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York while waiting to board an international flight, according to the court reports.

    A lawyer who represents Buma did not immediately return an e -mail request to comment.

    Buma has raised issues with how the FBI dealt with certain investigations through statements to Nieuwsmedia, various government agencies and the congress, according to the submission.