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Eric Trump’s ‘Tinfoil Hat-Wearing’ Claim Gets the Treatment on Twitter

    Eric Trump was widely mocked on Twitter after he accused Democrats of trying to destroy Christianity, families and children, before claiming, “I’m not like a tinfoil hat-wearing guy.”

    “It’s unthinkable, it’s unthinkable what these people are doing to this nation,” the son of former President Donald Trump bombasted at a right-wing, pro-Trump “ReAwaken America” ​​event in Branson, Missouri, on Friday.

    “The way they want to destroy Christianity, the way they want to destroy our families, the way they destroy our children, the way they destroy our history, the way they rewrite our textbooks,” he continued. “Guys, this is a deliberate war in this country.”

    Trump did not take the comments “lightly,” he said.

    “I’m not like a tinfoil hat-wearing guy,” he added. “But if anyone thinks they’re not arming each of these systems…there’s only one party arming the system.”

    Watch the video here:

    Images of Trump’s comments went viral on Twitter, where it drew disdain and ridicule in equal measure:

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
