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Emotion fills courtroom as Prattville barber shop killers hear judge’s verdict

    PRATTVILLE — It started with domino games between friends that ended with three deaths; shot and bludgeoned to death.

    Prattville’s deadliest crime ended Wednesday, five years later, with two men sentenced to prison for the rest of their natural lives with no chance of parole.

    But is it over, can it ever be over, for the families of Tony D. Smith, Eddie Dean Scott and Al Seal Benson?

    About 50 relatives of the victims of the July 3, 2017 massacre at Smith’s barbershop gathered in a Prattville courtroom Wednesday afternoon. They witnessed Circuit Judge Bill Lewis Jr. Marty Morgan, 38, and Keon Cain, 23, both of Prattville, were sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole on capital murder charges.

    From left to right: Marty Morgan, Keon Cain.  Circuit Judge Bill Lewis Jr.  Sentences Morgan, 38, and Cain, 23, to life in prison with no possibility of parole on capital murder charges.

    From left to right: Marty Morgan, Keon Cain. Circuit Judge Bill Lewis Jr. Sentences Morgan, 38, and Cain, 23, to life in prison with no possibility of parole on capital murder charges.

    Both men pleaded guilty, Morgan in 2019 and Cain about a week ago before his trial was set to begin, after the death penalty was removed. The victims’ families approved the plea agreements.

    ‘Barbershop massacre’: Prattvlle’s deadliest crime ends with a guilty plea

    Why did this happen? Relatives speak in court

    About a dozen family members spoke to the court before the sentences were handed down. Cain and Morgan stood aside, at Lewis’s command, to listen to the comments. The process took almost two hours. The most frequently asked question was why? Why did this happen?

    Everyone in this case knew each other – the victims, their families, Morgan and Cain. Smith, Scott and Benson were well-known and respected men in the community. They were youth sports coaches, they coached Cain when he was younger. They drove him to games and practices and made sure he had cleats and equipment.

    Cain was a neighbor of Eddie Scott, who grew up opposite him, Scott’s son, Jason, told the court. Another Smith family member remembered changing Cain’s diapers.

    Morgan also grew up in the same close-knit group, went to school and played sports with the relatives of the victims. They had spent time together on porches, helping care for sick relatives, and comforting each other at funerals.

    “What you did was stupid and pointless, it will never make sense,” Mallory Anderson, Smith’s niece, told Morgan and Cain. “For a while I carried hatred in my heart for you.

    ‘Not anymore. You don’t deserve my anger.’

    Anderson made an emotional statement in court, in a strong voice and often looking at Morgan and Cain.

    “This is the last thing I’ll say, the last thing I’ll ever say to you,” she said. “I pray that you can make peace with yourself and your creator.”

    Many of the victims’ relatives who spoke to the court offered their forgiveness to Morgan and Cain. Others even thanked Cain and Morgan for taking the pleas and saving the families from going through two trials.

    “In the end I knew I had to forgive you,” Jason Scott said. The experience of losing his father prompted Jason to become a pastor. “Yes, they made mistakes and woke up the city. Thanks for standing up and taking responsibility for what you’ve done.

    “God can change your heart.”

    Other family members expressed their anger.

    “I had a good brother, he would help anyone,” said Barbara Jean Benson. “He’d give you the shirt off his back, Marty, you know that. I will never forgive them. I hate them.’

    More: With IOUs in, what happens next in the Prattville barbershop case?

    Morgan and Cain are allowed to speak on sentencing

    Lewis gave Morgan and Cain the opportunity to speak during the proceedings.

    “This is for the families, and for my family too, I’m sorry,” Morgan said. “It shouldn’t have happened, but it happened. Sorry.’

    Cain said he understood that some of the victims’ relatives would not believe him.

    “I know my actions were wrong and I know I hurt a lot of you,” he said. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done, I’m very sorry. I’m very sorry we had to go through this.

    “I accept my punishment and take responsibility for what I have done.”

    The verdict is read in a full courtroom

    Before handing out the sentences, Lewis asked the families in the courtroom to stand up. He told Cain and Morgan to turn around and look at them.

    “They chose to do what you wouldn’t do on July 3rd, they saved your lives,” he said. “Without them, I don’t think any plea deals would have been reached.”

    Lewis then paused for a few seconds and looked at the crowded gallery.

    “I hear you,” he said. “I’ve heard forgiveness. I’ve heard we don’t want revenge, we want justice. I heard some of you ask why. We may never know why. And if we find out why in the next few years, it’s no use anyway.

    “I know we can’t bring your loved ones back. But from now on I hope you can start to heal.’

    Contact Montgomery Advertiser-reporter Marty Roney at [email protected].

    This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Keon Cain, Marty Morgan convicted of triple murder in Prattville