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Elden Ring review: come see the softer side of punishing difficulty

    Okay, a little to the right.  Something more... there.  Hold it.  ok say
    enlarge Okay, a little to the right. Something more… there. Hold it. Okay, say “cheese.”

    I have never been able to penetrate very deeply Demon Souls or any of the thematically similar successors that From Software has become known for in recent years. The last time I seriously tried to delve into Dark Souls II in 2014, I documented the “insanely beautiful suffering” I endured as I died 65 times in an eight-hour slog to defeat a single boss.

    While that experience gave me some appreciation for From Software’s uncompromising game design, it was also enough to convince me that I didn’t have the temperament to spend tens of hours on these kinds of games. I understand why so many people find this relentless style appealing, and I’ve even willingly dipped my toes into From Software’s further catalog from time to time. But I just couldn’t overcome the frustration factor it takes to really commit to a deep dive into these carefully crafted worlds.

    Then the buzz started for Elden Ring, the latest game in what has come to be known as From’s “Soulsborne” style. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki promised in interviews that the new title would be more accessible than his previous From Software work, with quality-of-life improvements such as more frequent checkpoints, easier health management, and an open-world design that doesn’t hold back progress. almost impossible bosses.

    “I don’t want to force any style of play or any particular route because I’d like to… [players] to experience that sense of freedom,” said Miyazaki. “And I realize that while we provide games with a high level of challenge, we design them in a way that is satisfying to win.”

    What a lovely day for a walk.
    enlarge What a lovely day for a walk.

    That kind of talk was enough to make me dive deep into the Soulsborne world one more time. And I’m glad I did. While Elden Ring doesn’t really make the Soulsborne experience any easier in and of itself, the open world design and gameplay tweaks make sure the balance between rewards and frustrations is tweaked just enough to make the whole experience enjoyable, even for a skeptic like me.

    A fallen world

    Legendary fantasy author George RR Martin’s involvement in Elden RingDue to player development, some players hope for a Song of Ice and Firestyle story that captures the murderous history and complex interpersonal family drama of warring factions. However, that hope would be misplaced, because Elden Ring‘s stories are characteristically sparse and cryptic.

    A short introductory cutscene introduces players to the titular Elden Ring, a powerful, magical piece of jewelry that has been shattered and whose pieces have been distributed to Queen Marika’s children. The shards give those children the “crazy stain of renewed strength” that leads to a “war from which no lord has come.”

    As a result, the shattered world of the Lands Beyond is now filled with the Defiled, those who are “dead who are still alive.” As one of those Tarnished of “no fame”, it’s up to you to track down your fellow Tarnished, unite the pieces of the shattered ring and bring order to a now chaotic land.

    One of the few explanatory cutscenes in the game comes right at the start.
    enlarge One of the few explanatory cutscenes in the game comes right at the start.

    That first info dump is by far the most direct explanation you get Elden Ring† You’ll have to discover everything else from the fragments of information shared by the world’s scattered non-player characters, who endure amid destruction in ruined churches or dilapidated shacks.

    Almost to a person, these “survivors” speak with an eerie, ethereal tone that suggests a utter lack of hope. They all present their fragmentary knowledge in a cryptic, roundabout way that offers just the tiniest hint of how the world came to its present state. Putting together the social history of this fallen world is like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle when you only get one random piece every half hour.

    instead of exposition, Elden Ring relies on extremely strong stories about the environment. Every part of the game’s sprawling map seems masterfully crafted to reference a deeper history of which you will be only vaguely aware.

    You might climb a jagged stone only to realize a few minutes later that it is actually the half-shattered head of a giant statue of a long-forgotten ancient world hero. Later, you may stumble upon a flooded city where you have to dance across the barely visible roofs above the swamp waterline to reach your next goal. Then you come across a dilapidated mining operation with layer upon layer of vertical jetties that extend deep into a mountain.

    What the hell happened here?
    enlarge What the hell happened here?

    It’s not just architecture either. You’ll see enemies loitering around the torn remains of fallen heroes, guarding their valuable gear with both zeal and indifference. Or you might see a caravan of undead soldiers leading two giants chained to a mysterious cart and marching in a damn circuit forever.

    There’s a pervasive, unsettling air of recently faded grandeur – echoes of a vast civilization you’ll never really know. While there is certainly lore to be found for those who are determined enough to put it together, Elden Ring is much more effective at conveying vibes than different storylines, and it’s probably better for it.