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Donald Trump asks crowds if they don’t like their kids and people have answers

    Critics mocked former President Donald Trump after he asked at a 2024 campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa, on Sunday whether anyone in the audience disliked their children.

    While boasting about how he “virtually abolished” “unfair estate taxes” during his presidency to protect family farms, Trump babbled about how people don’t really have to leave anything in their wills to their children.

    “If you don’t like your kids very much or at all, which happens from time to time, don’t leave them anything,” he said.

    “Doesn’t anyone here love their children?” Trump asked.

    “Oh, be careful. Oh, we have to be careful with that,” he responded to someone in the crowd. “The problem is that the fake news media is going to report that as fact, you know that? You will have a lot to explain.”

    Watch the video here:

    Twitter users had their own responses to Trump’s question, which were remarkably similar to comments he also made in Iowa last year.