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Don Trump Jr. Suggests Uvalde Gunman Could Have Killed 19 Kids With ‘Bat’

    In an incredible display of utter insipidity, Donald Trump Jr. Saturday in a furious video on social media, the mass shooter in Uvalde could have killed 19 children and two teachers with a ‘bat’.

    Assault rifles are stigmatized when “ruined people” is the real problem, he railed in a Facebook video.

    The flushed, almost tear-filled eyes Trump Jr. shouted that the shooter was a “sociopath” who could wreak the same havoc with almost any other weapon.

    ‘It’s the gun; it’s not the sociopath who handles it,” people claim, he lamented. “He wouldn’t have done the exact same thing with a bat, or a bomb, or some kind of improvised device—or a machete?” he added.

    The real problem is that people are “ruined” and we have “crazy teachers” and “indoctrination programs” in our schools, he insisted.

    “That’s what’s going on now, guys. Enough is enough,” Trump said, who said he is looking for “responsibility.” “It never ends, man,” he added.

    In fact, the gun is critical to the amount of destruction a shooter can deliver. Assault rifles cause extreme trauma to the human body and bullets are spit out at lightning speed, allowing a shooter to deal maximum damage extremely quickly.

    A pediatric trauma surgeon at University Hospital in San Antonio, who helped save the lives of children injured at Uvalde Elementary School, told CNN earlier this week that the high-velocity bullets rip out “large chunks” of tissue that immediately cause massive bleeding. which can be deadly. someone in five minutes. That’s why mass assault rifle shootings have so few survivors (unlike, say, a bat attack).

    “When a high-velocity firearm enters a body, it basically causes a wave and an explosion,” Dr. Lillian Liao to “Nightline.” So it looks like a body part has blown up. A high-velocity firearm will create a giant hole in the body.”

    All of the treated survivors suffered “major destructive wounds,” more likely to affect an organ in a child’s tiny body, she said.

    When Scottish parents and gun control advocates fought for a ban on high-caliber handguns after 16 children were killed in a 1996 mass shooting at a school in Dunblane, the late Prince Phillip asked if anyone was beating people to death with a cricket bat, would they? those are? also banned?

    That was clearly “nonsense,” Mick North, a father of 5-year-old Sophie who was murdered in Dunblane, told NPR Friday, recalling the prince’s complaint.

    Such statements are in no way an acknowledgment of the horrific destruction of weapons, especially automatic weapons, North noted. “It’s too easy for someone to pick up something like a gun and wreak havoc in seconds and certainly minutes,” he said.

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
