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Does Nestle own Hershey’s? Everything you need to know in 2022

    If you like Nestle and Hershey chocolate, you might be wondering if Nestle owns Hershey. This is a frequently asked question as there are many rumors that Nestle is the owner of Hershey.

    In fact, it is common for companies to own other well-known companies. Often this is done by one company buying another company so it can make a bigger profit on a larger scale.

    This can happen without customers noticing if the buying company decides to let the other company continue as usual. This could result in two completely different companies being run by one company owning the other.

    If you’re a chocolate lover and frequently shop at Nestle or Hershey, you might be wondering if one of these companies is owned by the other. Read on to find out whether or not Nestle owns Hershey.

    Is Hershey owned by Nestle?

    If you’re wondering whether Nestle owns Hershey, the answer to that question is Nestle doesn’t own Hershey. Hershey and Nestle are two separate companies which are actually considered to be two of their biggest competitors as they sell many of the same products

    Rumors of Nestlé’s ownership of Hershey have been around for a long time, but none of them are true. In fact, both companies are partially owned by a number of the company’s investors.

    It’s not uncommon for big companies to own other big companies, but in this case, that’s just not the reality. These are two of the biggest names in the chocolate business and they often compete against each other.

    Nestle and Hershey are also located in different countries, so they’re not even close in terms of their facilities. They are both names that are recognized around the world as they have gained popularity worldwide.

    Nestle and Hershey also sell different types of products, although both are in the chocolate business. More of a US company, Hershey is the most popular in this space.

    While Nestle is more global and seen as a higher quality chocolate that is more artisanal. Hershey makes good chocolate, but it’s not considered high quality, especially among professional chocolate makers.

    Does Nestle own Nesquik?

    Now that you know Nestle doesn’t own Hershey, you might be wondering if it does own Nesquik. This is another frequently asked question as many people have suspected that Nesquik is owned by Nestle.

    That’s actually true and not just a rumor, because Nesquik is simply a subsidiary of Nestle. It is very common for companies within the same company to have different branches dedicated to different types of products.

    Nestlé created the Nesquik brand to be its own specific brand, distinct from Nestlé. This brand carries a wide range of chocolate products such as:

    • chocolate milk
    • Strawberry milk
    • chocolate milk powder
    • chocolate syrup

    So if you ever suspected that Nesquik is a Nestlé product, you’re right. Nesquik is owned by Nestle and all products go through the Nestle company.

    Although Nestle still keeps its own products fairly separate from Nesquik as the two brands are known for different things.

    Does Nestle Own The Hershey Company?

    If you like chocolate, you might be wondering if Nestle owns the Hershey company. The reality is that this is just a rumor as Nestlé doesn’t own Hershey and doesn’t seem interested in buying Hershey.

    It’s quite common for different companies to own other companies, but Nestlé doesn’t currently own Hershey. It also doesn’t appear like Hershey has any intention of being owned by any other company at any point.

    However, Nestle makes Nesquik as this is a branch of the Nestle company. This is very common for businesses when they want to have different brands that encompass different types of products that customers will buy.

    Nestle is known for its delicious chocolate, but Nesquik is better known for its chocolate milk and chocolate milk mixes. Because of this, Nesquik was ultimately made its own brand so that the two could be differentiated for customers.