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Discord increases the focus of the advertisement by introducing video advertisements to mobile apps in June

    The Discord mobile app has video ads that are in June, the company announced today. The first pilot for the video advertisements, which calls Discord video tours on mobile, offers advertisers the opportunity to “present trailers, to do impactful announcements and mark premium content” to users, Discord said.

    Discord was a proud advertising-free platform until March 2024, when it introduced advertisements to his desktop and console apps. Those advertisements offer Discord users' rewards for PC games if they play certain games or give people to view a stream of their gameplay via Discord. Discord followed video missions, with which developers can show video advertisements for disagreement users, such as trailers and announcements of new seasons and downloadable content. Discord users see instructions for both types of advertisements on the left side of their screen and can choose to expand or ignore them.

    Discord users can also unsubscribe from personalized promotions and “Hide an in-app promotion for a specific search or game in which you are not interested,” said Discord.

    In June, users of Discord's mobile apps see advertisements from Video -Quest at the bottom of the screen as shown below:

    This is what the prompt looks extensive.


    When users click on “Quest Accept” on the extensive prompt, a video advertisement such as this.


    “Expanding our advertising platform to mobile is an obvious, natural evolution in our strategy,” said Peter Sellis, Product SVP of Discord, in a statement on today's announcement. “Our mission is to create the most authentic, focused on players in the Galaxy.”