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China wants 10 Pacific countries to sign a sweeping agreement

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — China wants 10 small Pacific countries to sign a sweeping agreement covering everything from security to fisheries, in what one leader warns is a “game-changing” bid by Beijing to take control of to deprive the region.

    A draft of the agreement obtained by The Associated Press shows that China wants to train police officers in the Pacific, work together on “traditional and non-traditional security” and expand law enforcement cooperation.

    China also plans to jointly develop a marine plan for fisheries — including the lucrative Pacific tuna catch — to increase cooperation in the management of the region’s Internet networks and establish Confucius cultural institutes and classrooms. China also mentions the possibility of establishing a free trade zone with the Pacific countries.

    China’s move comes as Foreign Minister Wang Yi and a 20-member delegation begin a visit to the region this week.

    Wang will visit seven of the countries he hopes will subscribe to the ‘Common Development Vision’: the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea.

    Wang also holds virtual meetings with the other three potential signatories: the Cook Islands, Niue and the Federated States of Micronesia. He hopes the countries will approve the pre-written agreement as part of a joint communiqué following a scheduled May 30 meeting in Fiji with foreign ministers from each of the 10 countries.

    But Micronesia’s president, David Panuelo, has written an eight-page letter to the leaders of other Pacific countries, saying his country will not endorse the plan and warning of dire consequences if others do.

    Panuelo said in his letter, which the AP received, that behind attractive words in the agreement such as “equality” and “justice” are many disturbing details.

    Among other things, he said the agreement opens the door for China to own and control the region’s fishing and communications infrastructure. He said China can intercept e-mails and listen in on telephone conversations.

    Panuelo said in his letter that the agreement “is an intent to bring those of us who have diplomatic relations with China very close to Beijing’s orbit, intrinsically tying our economies and societies to them.”

    He warns that the deal would unnecessarily increase geopolitical tensions and threaten regional stability.

    In his letter, Panuelo said the Common Development Vision is “the most groundbreaking proposed agreement in the Pacific in one of our lifetimes” and that it “threatens to usher in a new era of the Cold War at best and a World War at worst.” “is. †

    Panuelo declined to comment on the letter or the proposed agreement.

    Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday that he was not aware of Panuelo’s letter.

    “But I completely disagree with the argument that cooperation between China and the South Pacific islands will spark another Cold War,” he said.

    He said China has “a long history of friendly relations with the islands of the South Pacific” and has long provided them with economic and technical assistance without any political commitments.

    Like some other Pacific countries, Micronesia finds itself increasingly between the competing interests of Washington and Beijing.

    Micronesia has close ties to the US through a Compact of Free Association. But it also has what Panuelo describes in his letter as a “great friendship” with China that he hopes will continue despite his opposition to the agreement.

    The security aspects of the agreement will be of particular concern to many in the region and beyond, especially after China signed a separate security pact with the Solomon Islands last month.

    That pact has sparked fears that China could send troops to the island nation or even establish a military base there not far from Australia. The Solomon Islands and China say there are no plans for a base.

    The May 30 meeting will be the second between Wang and the foreign ministers of the Pacific islands, after holding a virtual meeting last October.

    Those following China’s role in the Pacific will scrutinize the text of the draft agreement.

    One of the stipulations is: “China will conduct intermediate and high-level police training for countries in the Pacific.”

    The agreement says the countries will “strengthen cooperation on traditional and non-traditional security” and “expand law enforcement cooperation, jointly fight cross-border crime and establish a dialogue mechanism on law enforcement capacity and police cooperation.”

    The agreement would also ensure that the nations “expand exchanges between governments, legislatures and political parties”.

    The draft agreement also stipulates that the Pacific countries will “firmly adhere” to the One China principle, under which Taiwan, a self-governed island democracy, is considered part of China by Beijing. It would also maintain the “non-interference” principle that China often cites as a deterrent to other nations speaking out on its human rights record.

    The agreement says that China and the Pacific countries would jointly formulate a marine spatial plan “to optimize the layout of the marine economy and develop and use marine resources rationally, to achieve sustainable development of the blue sea.” promote the economy.”

    China also pledges to increase investment in the region by mobilizing private capital and “encouraging more competitive and reputable Chinese enterprises to engage in direct investment in Pacific countries”.

    China also promised to send Chinese language consultants, teachers and volunteers to the islands.

    The AP has also been given a draft of a five-year action plan to sit alongside the Common Development Vision, which outlines some of the immediate incentives China is offering to Pacific countries.

    In the action plan, China says it will fully implement 2,500 government grants by 2025.

    “In 2022, China will hold the first training program for young diplomats from Pacific countries, depending on the pandemic situation,” the draft plan states, adding that China will also hold seminars on governance and planning for the Pacific countries.

    In the draft action plan, China says it will build criminal investigation labs, if needed by the Pacific countries, that can be used for fingerprint testing, forensic autopsies and electronic forensics.

    China also says it will also spend another $2 million and send 200 medics to the islands to fight COVID-19 and promote health, and pledge to assist the countries in their efforts to fight climate change.