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Chevy Silverado Chase Comes to Shocking Ending

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    Chevy Silverado Chase Comes to Shocking EndingChevy Silverado Chase Comes to Shocking Ending

    Chevy Silverado Chase Comes to Shocking Ending

    As Madison County troopers struggle to stop a fleeing Chevy Silverado, they decide to call in the big guns. That is, of course, the Arkansas State Police. Two troopers in the area take up positions on the shoulder of the rural two-lane highway at the start of this heart-pounding dashcam video, ready to pounce as the suspect speeds past.

    Drug dealer in a BMW can't handle running from the police.

    Our camera car takes the lead in the chase and quickly catches up to the suspect's truck. Given that it's an older Silverado and there's a huge toolbox in the back, it's understandable why the officer approaches him like a cheetah.

    The big question is why the officers had trouble stopping this man. Was it because they had stricter pursuit rules or because they had slower cruisers?

    Although the trooper quickly gets into position to perform a PIT maneuver, this suspect isn’t going to make it easy. He starts shaking the back of the truck like an exotic dancer, making it unwise to watch him for a PIT. As the trooper backs up, the Silverado cuts right in front of his cruiser.

    As the officer prepares to tackle the back of the truck again, the suspect sees the situation and begins to drive back and forth on the now four-lane road, making the maneuver once again risky, if not impossible, to execute.

    Not long after, the suspect flips the tables over on the officers and officers, slams on his brakes and makes a sudden U-turn. As he gets behind one officer, the second is almost immediately on his heels, so the suspect starts cutting hard left and right again.

    He realizes he has to get off the freeway because there are more officers at the intersections of the side streets, and suddenly turns left. The truck can't make the tight turn, so it swerves onto the right shoulder of the secondary road, hits a bump, flies through the air and slams into a utility pole, sending sparks flying.

    It's a shocking end to a thrilling chase, but once again ASP catches his man.

    Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube