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Can you freeze peaches? – Prepared cooks

    Peaches can be used to make homemade yogurt or smoothies. There are a variety of ways peaches can be used. So if you get a sale on peaches and decide to buy a whole packet of peaches, you’ll be amazed at how your enthusiasm wanes when you realize you can’t eat that many peaches with your family before they go bad.

    Can you freeze peaches? Yes you can. Freezing peaches can keep them for around 8-10 months. If the peaches are properly frozen, they will retain their flavor, color, and texture. So freezing is a good idea when the other alternative is spoilage.

    Peaches may not be worth buying out of season. Freezing peaches while they are still fresh and in season may be the best alternative. Peaches freeze well when prepared properly and can be used in a variety of dishes.

    How to freeze peaches [4 steps]

    Peaches are easy to freeze, but it has to be done right. Peaches are similar to apples in the sense that they tend to brown when exposed to air. You can prevent this by brushing the peaches with lemon juice. Let’s get into the steps that involve freezing peaches.

    Step 1: Preparation

    When freezing fruit, picking the fruit in the best condition is key to getting the best results. When you get your peaches from the store or garden. Harvest flawless fruit. Wash them under running water and scrub away dirt and debris. Pat them with a dry towel to dry them.

    Step 2: Cutting and Removing the Pit

    The easiest way to remove the pit is to use a paring knife to cut all around the peaches down the middle. Remove the core or scoop it out with a spoon. Then cut the halves into quarters or wedges or any size you want. Don’t forget to brush the slices with lemon juice to keep them from browning.

    Step 3: Shock freezing

    Fruit tends to clump together during the freezing process. Hence the need for flash freezing. Place the peach slices individually on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving enough space between them. Place the tray in the freezer to freeze for most of the day or overnight.

    Step 4: Storage

    Remove the now semi-frozen peach slices from the freezer. They can now be packed in Ziploc bags or freezer airtight bags. Pack the frozen peaches into the bags and expel as much air as possible before sealing.

    Label the bags with a sharpie, stating the contents and date of freezing. This would help you keep track of how long you’ve kept the peaches in the freezer.

    How to freeze peaches in syrup [4 steps]

    Freezing peaches in syrup helps sweeten them and adds extra flavor. If you like your peaches the way they are; unsweetened. Then you can freeze them as normal as above.

    Step 1: Preparation

    Wash and scrub the peaches thoroughly. Rinse them under running water in a colander to remove all dirt and debris. The hardest part of freezing peaches is peeling them. But don’t worry, this can be achieved very easily with the next step.

    Step 2: Blanch and peel the peaches

    Blanching is used on vegetables and fruits to stop the ripening process and prevent them from rotting. It can also help the skin on the peaches peel off easily. Put a pot of water on the fire to boil, carefully place the peaches in the boiling water to cook them about 20-45 seconds.

    Using a slotted spoon, remove the peaches from the hot bath and place in ice cold water. Wait until the peaches are cool to the touch before attempting to peel them off. They would slip off very easily.

    Step 3: Cutting and Removing the Pits

    Using a paring knife, cut the peaches in half from the edges to the middle, remove the pits and discard before slicing the peaches to the desired size. Don’t forget to brush the sliced ​​peaches with lemon juice to keep them from browning in the air.

    Step 4: Coating the Peaches in Syrup and Storing

    Prepare your syrup, 3 cups of water to 1 cup of sugar should be enough. After you’ve made your syrup, let it cool before doing anything else. Get freezer-friendly plastic containers, place the sliced ​​peaches in them, and pour in the syrup until the peaches are submerged in the syrup. Leave some air in the containers as water expands as it freezes.

    Don’t forget to label the containers before placing them in the freezer to freeze.

    How to thaw frozen peaches

    Peaches can be used in their frozen state. You can use them in smoothies, bake them in cakes or make ice cream. They can also be served over pancakes or waffles. You can improve the flavor of wine and cocktails by adding frozen peaches.

    However, if you need to thaw frozen peaches, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight.

    How to identify spoiled frozen peaches

    Spoiled peaches will begin to ooze and develop an odd appearance or smell. If your peaches are getting super soft and you notice any signs of mold or rot on them, you should discard those peaches.

    What to do with overripe frozen peaches?

    Overripe frozen peaches don’t have to be thrown away so easily. The first step is to check that the peaches aren’t spoiled. Overripe peaches that are frozen can be made into desserts. Consider using your frozen peaches to make cobbler, peach ice cream, or spiced mini rum peach pies.