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Burger King Spicy Whopper Melt

    If you love dining out at Burger King, you might be wondering what the spicy Whopper Melt is like. Because this is a relatively new menu item that many customers have yet to try out for themselves.

    Burger King often releases different types of menu items that stand out from other fast food options. This makes it an ideal place to find more unique options that you might not be able to find elsewhere.

    Read on to find out what Burger King’s spicy Whopper Melt is like and how many calories it has.

    Burger King Spicy Whopper Melt ingredients

    If you like stopping by Burger King occasionally, you might have heard about the spicy Whopper Melt on the menu. This is a unique menu option that’s a little different from the other sandwiches you can buy at this fast food restaurant.

    Tasty grilled burger

    A spicy Whopper Melt is made up a little differently than a typical Burger King sandwich option. As it doesn’t include the typical bun you might expect when buying a sandwich.

    Due to its uniqueness, the spicy Whopper Melt quickly became very popular with customers interested in this menu item. Especially those who like to eat it spicy and rich.

    Though you might want to know more about this smelt before you buy it as it’s quite a heavy menu option. Here are the ingredients that a Burger King Spicy Whopper Melt will contain:

    Toasted Bread

    The flavorful Whopper Melt is composed similarly to a sandwich or burger, but doesn’t include a typical bun. Rather, you get your meltdown with two perfectly toasted slices of bread on top and bottom.

    These are round and thick slices of bread that are crunchy and buttery and complement the melt perfectly. They help hold the melt together like a burger, making it easier to eat with your hands.

    There are several melting options you can get at Burger King, but they all feature the two slices of toasted bread, although they have other different ingredients.

    Beef Patties

    The flavorful Whopper Melt also includes two Whopper Jr Beef Patties to create a hearty sandwich. These are the typical types of whopper patties you’ll find on many Burger King menu options.

    The two patties combine to create a very meaty melt that’s perfect for those who like something heavier. This is something to consider as some people have trouble finishing a melt with that amount of meat.

    American cheese

    American cheese is another ingredient in this whopper melt that helps it become a true traditional melt. When American cheese is melted, it creates a sticky type of glue that helps hold the entire melt together.

    This type of cheese is traditional at Burger King as it has that comforting cheesy flavor. Not only does it melt perfectly to create an ideal melt that isn’t too stringy or melting.

    Caramelized Onions

    A flavorful ingredient in Burger King’s Spicy Whopper Melt is caramelized onions. These are onions that have been slow cooked and caramelized for tender and slightly sweet onions.

    These are extremely flavorful and really helped you enhance this melt to give it a variety of flavors that complement each other. In fact, this is often one of the favorite ingredients in Whopper Melts, which many customers comment on.


    The Whopper Melt features a creamy, flavorful sauce that really helps elevate this melt and set it apart from the other melt options. This gives it a much-needed touch of spiciness as well as a creamy touch.

    In addition to the tangy creamy sauce, the tangy Whopper Melt also includes thinly sliced ​​jalapeños for extra spiciness. This is an ingredient that the other melting options don’t have, giving it that spice kick that spice lovers will enjoy.

    Whopper Melt Calories

    Now that you know more about Burger King’s spicy Whopper Melt, you might be wondering how many calories it has. This is a good question as this is a fairly hefty menu option that can be quite high in calories.

    Burgers with fries

    This may not be something that most people worry about as they know what they are getting into when they order from Burger King. However, if you want to opt for a healthier option, this is something that matters to you.

    Burger King has estimated its spicy whopper meltdown is 599 calories for the entire batch. These include the toasted bread slices, beef patties, cheese, caramelized onions and the jalapeño sauce.

    So this is a pretty high-calorie option for customers, but given the amount of food packed into the smelt, it’s entirely reasonable. Especially since there are many fatty ingredients that add extra calories.

    You can also order a spicy Whopper Melt to share with another person as it’s a fairly rich menu item that might be difficult to finish. And this would cut calories in half for each person enjoying it.

    Tastes like a spicy Whopper Melt

    The spicy Whopper Melt is a very rich menu item at Burger King. Many customers find it to be a very comforting menu option as it contains many of the traditional flavors that customers have come to expect.

    The beef patties are like Burger King’s other menu items and have a recognizable flavor that complements the other ingredients. The toasted bread is also toasty and crunchy, perfectly bready without overdoing the rest of the ingredients.

    But the real stars of the show are the American cheese, caramelized onions and jalapeño sauce. The American cheese is rich and creamy and complements the rest of the ingredients by holding everything together.

    While the creamy sauce and jalapeños add a tangy kick towards the end that’s enjoyable but not overwhelming. How to get the sweetness from the caramelized onions that help top it all off.