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Blackout Cadillac CTS flees Arkansas police officer

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    Blackout Cadillac CTS flees Arkansas police officerBlackout Cadillac CTS flees Arkansas police officer

    Blackout Cadillac CTS flees Arkansas police officer

    Some people think that the best way to successfully escape from the police is to black out and turn off all the lights in their vehicle. That’s the strategy employed by this Cadillac CTS driver in a dramatic dashcam video from the Arkansas State Police. While he does some things right or well, he also has one major flaw that prevents him from slipping away into the darkness of the night.

    Watch as a Cadillac SRX also drives by unnoticed by the police.

    What started the whole thing was the police officer who saw the Caddy driving 20 mph over the limit in a construction zone. Remember, fines are doubled in that case, so this person thought it was better to run away than accept that.

    First, the CTS pulls over in front of another vehicle, hiding from the officer. Once the suspect realizes he’s been spotted, he tries to hide again by taking a blackout. At least this one has a dark vehicle, unlike the blackout chases we’ve described with white cars.

    The man takes off, pushing the Cadillac to 130 mph, and speeds past other cars in the construction zone. It’s a dangerous situation, because those other drivers might not see his blacked-out car flying across the road, and with only two lanes, there’s not much room for error.

    As the highway briefly opens to three lanes, the suspect takes advantage of the extra space and creates some distance between himself and the officer. But as he continues to push to increase his lead, the man crashes into the median cables while passing a slower vehicle. And that is his major shortcoming that ultimately leads to his downfall.

    Ultimately, this guy said he was running because he had a prior DUI and no license. Instead of just pulling over and dealing with the consequences, he ran and got multiple felonies. The minors in his Caddy wanted to get away, so that included two counts of false imprisonment.

    When a police officer turns on his flashing lights, all you have to do is stop.

    Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube

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